1990-01-15_Agenda AGENDA COMMON COUNCIL - as at January 12, 1990. 1. Meeting called to order, 7:00 p.m., January 15 - prayer. 2. Approval of minutes (January 8). 3. Mayor's remarks. 4. 7:15 p.m. - Presentation by Mr. K. Owen Boyle re Bi-Capitol Project. 5. Re Amana House (Mayor Wayne). 6. Re cold storage plant (Mayor Wayne). *6A. Re enforcement of Minimun Property Standards By-Law (City Manager) . CITY MANAGER 7. Progress payment. 8. Re sidewalk snow control priorities. 9. Report re tender for contract 90-1, Loyalist Plaza site improvements. 10. Re request for easement for encroachment at 580 Milford Road. 11. Re South Market Street. 12. Re proposed Municipal Plan amendment and re-zoning of 164 Loch Lomond Road (see also item #16). 13. Re Parking Meter By-Law. CITY SOLICITOR COMMITTEES 14. Committee of the Whole report (January 8) - (1) re proposed Letter of Agreement with Local No. 61, C.U.P.E.; (2) re property at 55-65 St. James Street. 15. Planning Advisory Committee re application of Clearview Mobile (Homes) Ltd. for re-zoning of 21 Marlborough Avenue (public hearing held September 25, 1989 - tabled - no readings given). 16. Planning Advisory Committee re application of Doiron I s Small Engine Ltd. for Municipal Plan amendment and re-zoning of 164 Loch Lomond Road (public hearing held December 4, 1989 - tabled - no readings given) . GENERAL 17. Response from Minister of Housing to November 20, 1989 Council resolution re minimum property standards. 18. Request of Saint John Loppet Organization Committee for grant re 2nd Annual X-Country Skiing Event, Rockwood Park. 19. Letter from Jane McKay-Nesbitt & Reverend John Nesbitt re garbage recycling. 20. Letter from Isabel Green re Kean Road. 21. Letter from Saint John Chapter of Canadian Citizenship Federation re Bi-Capitol Project. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE - 4:00 p.m. 22. 4:00 p.m. - Teach-in re Canadian Transportation and Federal Deregulation Act. 23. 5:15 p.m. - Presentation by International Brotherhood of Boilermakers, Iron Ship Builders, Blacksmiths, Forgers & Helpers, Local 73, re Linton Road proposal. 24. 5:30 p.m. - Presentation by Local No. 18, C.U.P.E., of grievances (a) 89-44; and (b) 89-49. 25. Local 61, C.U.P.E., grievances 89-1295-3-1-52 and 89-1295-3-1-59 (City Solicitor - verbal). 26. Re Police Commission (City Solicitor). 27. Re Lantic Sugar (City Manager). 28. Re Plumbing Inspector (City Manager). LEGAL SESSION 29. Re Robert Taylor et al v. The City of Saint John et al (City Solicitor) . 30. Re explosions of April 19, 1986 (City Solicitor).