COMMON COUNCIL - as at December 1, 1989.
1. Meeting called to order, 7:00 p.m., December 4 - prayer.
2. Approval of minutes (November 27).
3. Mayor's remarks.
4. 7:00 p.m. - (a) Proposed Municipal Plan amendment to redesignate on Schedule 2-A
a parcel of land located at 164 Loch Lomond Road, from Low Density
Residential to Light Industrial classi(te~tion, to permit continuing
use of the property for the sale and repair of small engines, chain
saws and lawn, garden and leisure equipment, as requested by Doiron's
Small Engine Ltd. '
(b) Proposed Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone the same parcel of land
from IR-2" One- and Two-Family Residential to "1-1" Light Industrial
(c) Letter from Planning Advisory Committee re proposed amendments.
5. 7:00 p.m. - (a) Proposed Zoning By-Law text amendment to (1) add a new Section 540
(2)(b) to read "(b) Notwithstanding the prohibitions in (a) a gas
bar is permitted at 258 Union Street (including L.R.I.S. Numbers
17574,17558,17541,17533).11, and (2) renumbering the existing
540(2) to be 540(2)(a), to make the existing gas bar a permitted
use so that a new pump island and canopy can be constructed, as
requested by Irving Oil Limited.
(b) Letter from Planning Advisory Committee re proposed amendment.
6. 7:00 p.m. - (a) Proposed Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone a parcel of land at
289 Churchland Road, from "RF" Rural to "RFM" Rural Mobile Home
classification, to permit existing mobile home to remain on a
permanent basis, as requested by Lawrence and Beverley Gallant.
(b) Letter from Planning Advisory Committee re proposed amendment.
7. 7:00 p.m. - (a) Proposed amendment to Council resolution of March 25, 1985, pursuant
to Section 39 of the Community Planning Act, so as to add poster
panel as one of the uses that may be permitted at 665 Loch Lomond
Road, to permit Mediacom Inc. to construct and use a 10' X 20' poster
panel on the property, as requested by Mediacom Inc.
(b) Letter from Planning Advisory Committee re proposed amendment.
8. 7:00 p.m. - Proposed Street Closing By-Law amendment re portion of Jones Drive.
9. 7:30 p.m. - Presentation by Saint John Heritage Trust Inc. re Bi-Capitol Project.
10. 7:45 p.m. - Presentation by Saint John Central Business Development Corporation
re signage.
*lOA. Building and Technical Services Report for month of October.
*lOB. Re Forum on improving passenger rail service in Canada.
Page 2.
COMMON COUNCIL AGENDA - as at December 1, 1989.
11. Progress payment re Old Provincial building.
12. Progress payment re Rockwood Park maintenance building.
13. Progress payment re contract 89-10, chipsealing.
14. Progress payment re Fire Stations #1 and #5.
15. Re enabling hearing impaired to attend open sessions of Common Council.
16. Re surety bond for rehabilitation of gravel pit at 1651 Sand Cove Road.
17. Re reduction of security, Eastwood Park Subdivision - Phase 3.
18. Re appl ication of Marilyn MacDonald for re-zoning of 282 Churchland Road (1st & 2nd
readings given at July 17 public hearing, 3rd reading tabled July 31).
19. Re sign on South Market Street.
20. Legal Session resolution (November 27).
21. Committee of the Whole report (November 27) - (1) re action of Route 9 Committee;
(2) re nominee to Local No. 18 arbitration; (3) re acquisition of land on Old Black
River Road; (4) re nominee to Local No. 61 arbitration.
*22. Saint John Parking Commission re appointment of by-law enforcement officer. (withdrawn)
23. Participaction Challenge Committee report on 1989 Challenge & request to retain surplus.
24. Planning Advisory Committee re gravel pit at 395 Manchester Avenue.
25. Planning Advisory Committee re proposed apartment building, 920 Sand Cove Road.
26. Planning Advisory Committee re Cedar Point Estates Subdivision - Phase 3 (see also
item #38).
27. Environment Committee re smoking by-law.
28. Environment Committee re Noise By-Law.
29. Environment Committee re Dog By-Law.
30. Response from Provincial-Municipal Council Inc. to resolution re Provincial land and
buildings within munipalities.
31. Request of Senior Citizens. Services Centre, Inc. for free rental at City Market. (with-
~2. Request of L.S.O. Enterprises Limited to utilize King Street entrance to premises. drawn)
33. Request of International Brotherhood of Boilermakers, Iron Ship Bui lders, Blacksmiths,
Forgers & Helpers, Local 73, for approval of development proposal, 49 Linton Road.
34. Notice from Liquor Licensing Board re hearing of application of Sydney Castle Ltd. for
beverage room license re 134 Sydney Street.
35. Application of Michael J. Nichols doing business as Scooters Auto Body for Zoning By-
Law text amendment re use of rear portion of 1214 Falrville Boulevard.
36. Letter from sol ieitor for Paul Chase re Proposal "A", Sand Cove Road.
37. Application of B.L.E.U. Non-Profit Housing Inc. for re-zoning of 105 & 69 St. James
Street West and amendment to Section 39 re-zoning.
38. Request of solicitor for Blanchard Homes (1983) Ltd. to address Council re Cedar
Point Estates Limited - Phase 3.
39. 4:00 p.m. - B.L.E.U. Non-Profit Housing Inc. re Blue Rock Hill project.
40. Report from Festival By The Sea - Festival Sur Mer Inc. re 1990 proposal.
41. Re lease of space in Lipton building (City Manager).
42. Re request of GRS Radio Club for grant (City Manager).
43 . Re me r i tin c re as e s ( C i t Y Sol Ie i tor) .
44. Re merit increases (City Manager - tabled November 27).