COMMON COUNCIL - as at September 1, 1989.
1. Meeting called to order, 4:00 p.m., Tuesday, September 5 - prayer.
2. Approval of minutes (August 28).
3. Mayor's remarks.
4. Re 3rd World Town Criers Championship Competition (Mayor Wayne).
5. Payment of asphalt invoices.
6. Progress payment re contract 88-2.
7. Progress payment re tile flooring, St. Patrick Street pedway.
8. Report re tender for contract 89-9, McAllister Drlve-Westmorland Road Intersection.
9. Report re tender for garbage removal, City Market.
10. Report re tender for replacement of boiler and fuel oil tank, Fire Station #8.
11. Report re tender for revisions to heat, Grandvlew Avenue Works Garage.
12. Re sportfishlng in watershed lakes.
13. Re request of Central Business Development Corporation for City to assume maintenance
and operational cost for additional lighting In King Square.
14. Re Loch Lomond watershed.
15. Re proposed Paul Chase Subdivision, 881 Sand Cove Road (see also item #22).
16. Responses to Common Council resolution of July 17 re all-metered taxi fares.
17. Committee of the Whole report (August 28) - (1) re offer to sell to City 147 Prince
Edward Street; (2) re request to purchase 70 Bridge Street; (3) re rental of space
to Saint John Learning Exchange; (4 & 5) re tender for sale of property; (6) re sale
of Angl in Drive property; (7) re tender for sale of property; (8) re Industrial Park
Management Agreement; (9) re provision of banking services.
18. Response from the Office of the Minister of Transport to August 14 Common Council
reso 1 ut ion re V I A Ra i 1.
19. Responses from (a) the Premier; and (b) the Minister of Tourism, Recreation & Heritage
to July 31 Common Council resolution re New Brunswick Arts Board.
20. Request of Thistle-St. Andrews Curling Club for donation of condenser.
21. Request of Orange Street Preservation Area Steering Committee for street upgrading.
22. Letters and petition re proposed subdivision 881 Sand Cove Road.
23. Notice from Liquor Licensing Board re hearing of Saint John Power Boat Club Inc.'s
application for special premises (sporting) license for premises on Cedar Street.
24. 6:30 p.m. - Presentation by Saint John Tourism Advisory Commission.
25. Letter from Swimming/Natation Canada re charge for pool rental.
26. Re request of New Brunswick Musicians' Association, Local 815, A.F. of M., for grant.
27. Letter from Local Union No. 18, C.U.P.E., re arbitration of grievance 89-36.
28. (a) Re Festivals and Special Events/Major Tournament Committee (tabled August 28).
(b) Re support services to festivals, special and sporting events (tabled August 28).
29. Re B.L.E.U. Non-Profit Housing Inc. 's request for street servicing (tabled August 28).
30. Re Human Development Council's presentation, Future of Work Consultations (City Manager).
31. Re H.I.D. appl ication for 105 St. John Street West (City Manager).
32. Re sale of land on Mark Drive (City Manager).
33. Re budget guidelines (City Manager).
34. Re Saint John Port Corporation, Corporate Land Use Management Plan (City Manager).
35. Re position of City Solicitor (City Manager - available Tuesday).
36. Re Heart & Lung Act (Mayor Wayne).