COMMON COUNCIL - as at July 28, 1989.
.1. Meeting called to order, 7:00 p.m., July 31 - prayer.
2. Approval of minutes (July 17).
3. Mayor's remarks.
7:00 p.m. - (a)
Proposed Zoning By-law amendment to re-zone a 7-acre parcel of land
at 2690 Loch Lomond Road, from I/RS-II/ One- and Two-Fami ly Suburban
Residential to I/RR1' Rural Residential classification, to initially
subdivide the property and provide two building lots which will be
serviced by a new road, as requested by Victor and Brian Train.
(b) Letter from Planning Advisory Committee re proposed amendment.
7:00 p.m. - (a)
Proposed Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone the approximate 1,200-
square meter eastern portion of a property located at 375 Boars Head
Road, from I/IL-ll/ Neighbourhood Institutional to I/R-1BI/ One-Family
Residential classification, to permit the creation of a building lot
with a 23 meter (75 foot) frontage on Boars Head Road, as requested by
The Wesleyan Church of Saint John.
(b) Letter from Planning Advisory Committee re proposed amendment.
6. 7:00 p.m. - (a) Proposed Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone the property at 990
Fairville Boulevard, from 1/1-31/ light Industrial Park to I/B-21'
General Business classifIcation, to place the existing Aquarius
Tavern in a zoning category which is in conformity with the long-
standing use, with no changes to the use or building proposed, as
requested by Aquarius Ltd.
(b) Letter from Planning Advisory Committee re proposed amendment.
7:00 p.m. - (a)
Proposed Zoning By-Law text amendment to add the following to the list
of permitted uses in Sections 120(1)(a) and 121(1)(a): 1/ - an agri-
cultural use, but not including the keeping of animals", to permit
limited operations in I/RS-21/ One- and Two-Family Suburban Residential
and "RS-2MI/ One- and Two-fami ly and Mob il e Home Suburban Res i dent i a 1
zones, as requested by David W. Waters.
(b) Letter from Planning Advisory Committee re proposed amendment.
(c) Letter from applicant re proposed amendment.
7:45 p.m. - Presentation on behalf of Romero House (Soup Kitchen), 42 Water Street,
for financial assistance from City of Saint John.
Re justice building construction (Mayor Wayne).
Re New Brunswick Arts Policy (Mayor Wayne).
Re regulations on firefiqhters.'o.rotectlve gear (Mayor W~yne). .
Re Fundy Region Mayor's ~ssocla~lon2bank account (MaYQr warne).*IIB. Re re~ue~t of Acadlan
Popular Theatre for financial assis~ance (Ma(YOr wayne);)*~llo RI9BSq~~a~ ~polVit ~~lley
Ground Search & Rescue Inc. for asslstance Mayor Wayne.. . 1
CITY MANAGER Saint John Fundy Reglon Deve op-
Payment of asphalt invoices. ment Camrnission.
Progress payment.
Re purchase order for powerline relocation, Westmorland Road and McAllister Drive.
Re surety bond for rehabilitation of gravel pit at 2740 Golden Grove Road.
Report re tender for sandblasting of equipment.
Report re tender for contract 89-10, chipsealing 1989.
Re suggestions for changes to Cltyls historic walking tours.
Re CBDC request for cost-sharing in Market Research Study.
Re amendment of subdivision agreement, Yvon St. Coeur Subdivision - Phases 3 and 4.
Re request for easement for encroachment on Horticultural Garden grounds, Seely Street.
Re proposed re-zoning of 100-106 Exmouth Street as addition to Romero House application
for re-zon i ng of 95 Exmouth St reet (see a 1 so Item #40) .
Re proposed re-zoning of 282 Churchland Road (see also item #29).
Re proposed Traffic By-Law concerning Bayside Drive parking (see also item #30).
Re Federal goods and services tax.
Re !m~15mentation budget -.Goals for Saint John.*26A. Re repairs to City Hall parking gar-
a~e, 2 B.Re lease of portlon.of former Lipton Tea building; *26c. Re Housing Through In-
flll Development Program appllcatlon.
Re Irving Oil Company, Limited - Westmorland Road expropriation.
Third reading of proposed Zoning By-Law amendment re 660 Westmorland Road, as requested
by Blair Construction Ltd. (public hearing April 10, 1989 - 1st & 2nd readings given
May 15).
Third reading of proposed Zoning By-Law amendment re portion of 282 Churchland Road,
as requested by Marilyn MacDonald (1st & 2nd readings given July 17).
Third reading of proposed Traffic By-Law amendment re parking on Bayside Drive (1st &
2nd readings given July 17).
Page 2.
COMMON COUNCIL AGENDA - as at July 28, 1989.
31. Committee of the Whole report (July 4) - (1) Nominating Committee recommendation.
32. Committee of the Whole report (July 17) - (1) grant re Pipers Salute; (2) re approval
of extension of option on Blue Rock Hill property; (3) request of David Mills to locate
mobile take-out on City property; (4) re Site "H", Hilyard Street; (5) re lease for
rental of space from Port Corporation; (6) re acquisition of land from Exhibition
Association on corner of McAllister Drive and Westmorland Road; (7) re Loch Lomond
Watershed Designation Study; (8) grant re St. Joseph's Hospital Schools of Nursing
and Radiological Technology Reunion; (9) grant re Silent Walk 189; (10) re 1990
Maple Leaf High School Student Exchange Program.
33. Planning Advisory Committee re Satin Holdings Ltd. property, 1100 Loch Lomond Road.
34. Planning Advisory Committee re Maritime Construction Ltd. SUbdivision, Manawagonish Road.
35. Letter from R. S. Harrison re needed improvements to services and environment.
36. Request for assistance for three athletes to attend International Karate Championship.
37. Request of Saint John Red Chevon-Moosehead Slo-Pitch Team for waiver of rental fee.
38. Letters re Blair Construction Ltd. 's application for Municipal Plan amendment and re-
zoning of 152-156 Westmorland Road.
39. Application of Port City Mobile Steam Ltd. for amendment to Section 39 re-zoning of
555 Grandview Avenue.
40. Application of Romero House Inc. for re-zoning of 95 Exmouth Street.
41. Application of Gary Erb for re-zoning of 625 George Street.
42. Application of Scott Bros. Ltd. for re-zoning of property on Heatherway.
43. Letter from Dr. and Mrs. Ronald Finnila re pulp and paper mill.
44. Request of Kevin P. Cook to place mini-home on property at 1458 Grandview Avenue.
45. Request of Partridge Island & Harbour Heritage Inc. for support for commemorative stamps.
46. 4:00 p.m. - Presentation re Labatt's New Brunswick Brewery.
47. 4:30 p.m. - Presentation by B.L.E.U. Non-Profit Housing Inc. re
73 St. James Street West project.
48. 5:00 p.m. - Presentation by Saint John Policemen's Protective Association,
Local No. 61, C.U.P.E., of Union grievances (a) 89-22; (0) 89-23.
49. Re Fundy Region Mayors' Association bank account (Mayor Wayne).
50. Re request of Acadian Popular Theatre for financial assistance (Mayor Wayne).
51. Re request of River Valley Ground Search & Rescue Inc. for assistance (Mayor Wayne).
52. Re Cherry B rook Zoo (Mayor Wayne) .
53. Letter from Local No. 61, C.U.P.E., re arbitration of grievance 89-13.
54. Re repairs to City Hall parking garage (City Manager).
55. Re lease of portion of former Lipton Tea building (City Manager).
56. Re Housing Through Infi 11 Development Program application (City Manager).
57. Re Saint John Swim and Diving Clubs (City Manager).
58. Re Water and Sewerage Department establishment (City Manager).
59. Re water rates and special contracts (City Manager).
60. Re negotiations with Local No. 771 (City Manager).
61. Re civic labour relations (City Manager).
62. Industrial Relations Board decision re Local No. 771 applications (City Sol icttor).