COMMON COUNCIL - as at May 26, 1989.
1. Meeting called to order, 4:00 p.m., May 29 - prayer.
2. Approval of minutes (May 12, May 15, May 23).
3. Mayor I s rema rks .
4. Re Peace Run 189 (Mayor Wayne).
5. Re appointment of Nominating Committee (Mayor Wayne).
6. Re facilities at Loch Lomond School (Councillor M. Vincent).
7. Re appointment of Nominating Committee (Councillor A. Vincent).
8. Re lack of street name signs, Richmond Street (Councillor A. Vincent).
9. Re Municipal Elections Act (Councillor A. Vincent).
10. Payment of invoices.
11. Report re tender for demolition of 77 Glen Road.
12. Report re tender for mechanical and electrical renovations.
13. Report re tender for contract 89-4, Sand Cove Road 12" watermain.
14. Report re tender for ride-on mower.
15. Re proposed gravel pit by-law.
16. Re Loch Lomond Mall expansion.
17. Re cancellation of AT and East Grain and Flour Subsidy Program.
18. Re proposed re-zoning of 209 Prince Street West (see also item #24).
18A. Re Port Corporate Land Use Management Plan.
19. Re proposed Traffic By-Law amendment re parking on North Market Wharf (1st & 2nd
readings given May 15).
20. Proposed Municipal Plan amendment re Hillcrest Road property (see also item #21).
21. Re proposed Municipal Plan amendment, Hillcrest Road property (publ ic hearing held
May 15 - tabled, no readings given).
22. (a) Proposed re-zoning of 531 Hillcrest Road, as requested by Richard MacDonald
(public hearing held May 15 - 1st reading given).
(b) Planning Advisory Committee's recommendations re assent to subdivision and
execution of subdivision agreements.
23. Third reading of proposed Zoning By-Law amendment re 1031 Mill idge Avenue, as
requested by J. David Maxwell (1st & 2nd readings given May 15).
24. Third reading of proposed Zoning By-Law amendment re 209 Prince Street West, as
requested by William Joseph Shannon (1st & 2nd readings given May 15).
25. Committee of the Whole report (May 15) - (1) re grant for Choir CANTUS; (2) re rental
for Cones Ice Cream Company Ltd.
26. Response from Minister of Justice to Council resolution relative to policing.
27. Letter from FCM re resolutions for debate at 1989 Annual Conference.
28. Responses from Provincial-Municipal Council Inc. to resolutions re (a) funding policy
for Provincial highways; and (b) parking meter violations.
29. Notices from Liquor Licensing Board re applications of (a) The Sidetrack for dining
room license, 87 Golden Grove Road; (b) Dudley's Enterprises Inc. for dining room and
lounge licenses, Manawagonish Mall; and (c) S. Doucet Foods Ltd. for dining room
license, 621 Fairville Boulevard, Lancaster Mall.
30. Application of Marilyn MacDonald for re-zoning of property on Churchland Road.
31. Letter from Elsie Gillcrist re fluoridation.
32. Re conflict of interest (City Solicitor).
33. 6:30 p.m. - The Market Square Corporation re City Market.
34. 7:00 p.m. - Saint John Learning Exchange re space at 55 Canterbury Street.
35. Re Saint John Truckers' Association request (City Manager).
36. Re Local 771 applications to Industrial Relations Board (City Manager).
37. Re salary ranges of management staff (City Manager).