COMMON COUNCIL - as at February 10, 1989.
1. Meeting called to order, 7:00 p.m., February 13 - prayer.
2. Approval of minutes (February 6).
3. Mayor1s remarks.
4. 7:00 p.m. - (a) Proposed Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone 10-14 Wellesley Avenue
from "R-411 Four-Family Residential (inadvertently shown as "B-211
General Business on Schedule A of the Zoning By-Law) to IB-2"
General Business classification, to correct an inadvertent error
made in Schedule A of the Zoning By-Law and to place the property
in a zone consistent with its use, as recommended by the Planning
Advisory Committee.
(b) Previous letter from Planning Advisory Committee re proposed amendment.
5. 7:00 p.m. ~ (a) Proposed Street Closing By-Law amendment re walkway between
Ocean Drive and Seaward Crescent in Woodlawn Park Subdivision.
(b) Letter in opposition to proposed street closing.
6. Re summary of 1988 progress by Port of Saint John (Mayor Wayne).
7. Re appointment to Board of Central Business Development Corporation (Mayor Wayne).
8. Re municipal advisory committee on disabled persons (Mayor Wayne).
9. Re Arts and the Cities (Mayor Wayne).
9A. Re meeting with Local No. 61 and Police Commission scheduled for February 27, 1989
(Councillor A. Vincent).
10. Progress payment.
11. Re payment of invoice to Canadian Atlantic Railway.
]2. Re placement of mobile home on Old Black River Road (see also item #20).
13. Re proposed Municipal Plan amendment to adopt Millidgeville Secondary Plan.
14. Re request of P. L. Holdings Ltd. for quit claim.
15. Re holding of plebiscite.
16. Third reading of Municipal Plan amendment to adopt Mill idgeville Secondary Plan (1st
& 2nd redings given January 16).
17. Committee of the Whole report (February 6) - (1) re recovery of costs recommendation
tabled January 23; (2) re #7 fire station; (3) re space in Old Provincial building;
(4) re acquisition of property on Second Loch Lomond; (5) re sale of land On Thorne
Avenue; and (6) re First L.D.H. Ltd.
18. Response from Minister of Health to November 21, 1988 Council resolution concerning
future of hospital boards.
19. Letter from Dan Gillcrist re washroom facilities in City Market building.
20. Application of Joseph R. Hosford for re-zoning of 1859 Old Black River Road, and
request for temporary placement of mobile home.
21. Letter from Hammond River Raceway re Kennebecasis Valley Fest/89.
21A. Letter from Saint John Board of Trade re Strategic Plan.
*6A. Saint John Board of Police Commissioners re application for conciliation.
*6B. Re tender for services, Lily Lake Pavilion (City Manager).
*13A. Letter of appreciation on behalf of Armenian earthquake victims.
*13B. Copies of resolutions to be considered at Cities of New Brunswick meeting.
*13C. Re 1989 budget booklets (City Manager).
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COMMON COUNCIL - as at February 10, 1989.
22. 4:30 p.m. - Presentation by Mr. Innis McCready.
23. 5:00 p.m. - Presentation by Local No. 61, C.U.P.E., of grievances (a) 89-4,
(b) 89-2, (c) 83-3, (d) 89-5, and (e) 89-6.
24. 5:30 p.m. - Presentation by Local No. 18, C.W.P.E., of grievance #88-46.
25. 5:45 p.m. - Saint John Board of Pol ice Commissioners.
26. Nominating Committee report.
27. Grants Advisory Board report.
28. Letter from Saint John Board of Pol Ice Commissioners re nominee to arbitration.
29. Letters from Local No. 61, C.U.P.E., re arbitrations of (a) December 19, 1988 Union
grievance re courses/seminars, (b) grievance #88-37, (c) grievance #88-38, and
(d) grievance re establ ishment.
30. Letter from Local No. 61, C.U.P.E., re commencement of negotiations.
31. Letter from Local Union No. 18, C.U.P.E., re arbitration of grievance #88-43.
32. Letter from Local Union No. 771 re labour management committee.
33. Repolicy proposals for vacation leave, non-union staff (City Manager).
34. Re solid waste disposal (City Manager).
35. Re request of Saint John Community Concert Association for grant (City Manager).
36. Re pension trustee insurance (City Manager).
37. Re lease of portion of former abattoir site (City Manager).
38. Re sale of lessor's interest in 139 Leinster Street (City Manager).
39. Re encroachment of stairs on City land (City Manager).
40. Re Brooke Bond property (City Manager).