COMMON COUNCIL - as at June 17, 1988.
1. Meeting called to order, 4:00 p.m., June 20 - prayer.
2. Approval of minutes (June 13).
3. Re membership of Port Development Commission chairman on Economic Development
Advisory Board (Mayor Wayne).
4. Re parking problem on Duke Street West in area of Carleton-Kirk (Mayor Wayne).
*5. Re credits on tax bills for repairs to homes (Mayor Wayne).
SA. Letter from Minister of Transportation re upgradlllg of City Road.
6. Payment of invoice.
7. Report re tender for services building, Phase 1, Adelaide Street.
8. Re snow removal and sanding of McNamara Court.
9. Re request for playground equipment in Queen Square West.
10. Re property at 260 Main Street.
11. Re proposed Building By-Law amendment re building permit fees.
12. Re proposed Building By-Law amendment re vacated plumbing systems.
13. Re Stump Runners 4 x 4 Events Day.
14. Progress payment.
15. Committee of the Whole report (June 13) - (1) re land adjacent to 125 Montreal
Avenue; (2) re land at 15 St. Andrews Street; (3) re sale of portion of former
Lancaster Street (see also item #20); (4) re sale of land on Milford Road; and
(5) re regional/civic exhibition centre.
16. Saint John Parking Commission - 1987 Annual Report.
17. Response from Provincial-Municipal Council Inc. to Council resolution re tourism.
18. Letter from Commercial Communications re tender for supply of electronic equipment.
19. Request of Festival Acadien de Saint-Jean Inc. for grant re Acadian National Day.
20. Request of R. D. Murphy to address Council re tender for sale of portion of former
Lancaster Street.
21. 6:30 p.m. - Presentation by Human Development Council.
22. Re lower West Side area tour (Mayor Wayne).
23. Re grant request of Pipers' Salute Inc.
24. Re grant request of Belfast Children's Vacation - Saint John Inc.
25. Re May 24 grant request of Saint John Learning Exchange (Acting City Manager).
26. Re Kent Building Supplies, 30 Thorne Avenue (Acting City Manager).
27. Re Six Cities Committee on building inspection (Acting City Manager).
28. Re regional waste disposal (Acting City Manager).
29. Re consultants for operations complex, Phase II (Acting City Manager).