COMMON COUNCIL - as at March 31, 1988.
1. Meeting called to order, 4:00 p.m., Tuesday, April 5 - prayer.
2. Approval of minutes (March 28).
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Re Peddlers and Hawkers By-Law (Mayor Wayne).
Re overall plan for King Square (Mayor Wayne).
Re Heritage Canada Resource Team study (Mayor Wayne).
Re Federal offices and employees (Mayor Wayne).(wi thdrawn)
Re World Chess Festival (Councillor MacDougall).
Re invoices, Petrie & Richmond for Pol ice negotiations and legal services.
Report re tender for uniform clothing.
Re right of way on Woodhaven Drive.
Re agri-terminal.
11. (a) Third reading of proposed Municipal Plan amendment re 1954 Manawagonish Road,
as requested by Speedy Manufacturing (1st & 2nd readings given March 28).
(b) Third reading of proposed Zoning By-Law amendment re above (1st & 2nd readings
given March 28).
12. Third reading of proposed Zoning By-Law amendment re 262 Prince William Street, as
requested by Comeau MacKenzie Architecture Partnership (1st & 2nd readings given
March 28).
13. Committee of the Whole report (March 28) - (1) re grant to Martinon Community Recreation
Centre; (2) re rental of space in Old Provincial building; (3) proposed change in 1988
establishment; (4) re encroachment of Dock Street pedway; (5) re authority for Building
Inspector to make court applications; (6) re May 18 Observance Committee.
14. Letter from Dr. James P. Craft re garbage problem in Central and South End of City.
15. Letter from Kincade Associates Realty Ltd. requesting reconsideration of proposal for
re-zoning of Woodward Avenue property.
16. Letter from Loyalist May 18 Observance Committee re ceremony.
17. Notices from Liquor Licensing Board re hearings of applications of Cairngorm Holdings
Ltd., Fog Cutter Inc., and two from Trondel Holdings Ltd., with respect to premises
at 124 Prince William Street, One Market Square, corner of Somerset and Wellesley Avenue,
and 532 Rothesay Avenue, respectively.
18. 6:30 p.m. - Presentation by Canada Games Aquatic Centre re Swim Club.
19. 7:00 p.m. - Economic Development Advisory Board re Trans-Canada Highway.
20. 7:30 p.m. - Teach-in re Flood Risk Area By-Law.
21. Re World Chess Festival (Mayor Wayne).
22. Letter from Grievance Committee of Local No. 61, C.U.P.E., re arbitration of grievance
on behalf of Robert Ryan.
23. Letter from Canadian Union of Public Employees re arbitration of Local No. 61
grievances on behalf of Leonard Duffy, Roger Sullivan, William Crowley and Donald Brien.
24. Request of Oswald F. Chamberlain to address Council re residency policy.
25. Letter from Helen P. Patterson re memo from Water and Sewerage Utility.
26. Re Dog control (Acting City Manager).
27. Re Housing Through Infill Development Program (Acting City Manager).
28. Re D. Hatfield Ltd., 1055 Rothesay Road (Acting City Manager).
29. Re Renforth Sewage Lagoon (Acting City Manager).