COMMON COUNCIL - as at November 27, 1987.
1. Meeting called to order, 7:00 p.m., November 30 - prayer.
2. Approval of minutes (November 23).
3. 7:00 p.m. - Proposed Street Closing By-Law amendment re Reserved Street
off Ridge Row.
4. Re parking on Prospect Street West (Councillor Flewwell ing).
5. Re resignation of Ronald S. Clark.
6. Payment of invoices.
7. Progress payment.
8. Report re tender for potassium permanganate.
9. Report re tender for work clothing.
10. Re request for easement for encroachment on Visart Street.
11. Re reduction of security amount, Mahogany Heights Subdivision, Phase I.
12. Re terms of 1987 bond issue.
13. Re bankin~ resolutions.
*13A. Re pollutlon monitoring station in Forest Hills. *13B. Re Rockwood Park School.
*13C. Re on-street parking as it affect~OMMON CLERK
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1 . Third reading of proposed Zoning By-Law amendment re l~ Wildwood Street, as requested
by Sophie Jiang (1st and 2nd readings given November 23).
15. Re appl ication of Harris and Roome Limited for Municipal Plan amendment and re-zoning
of property at 40 Broad Street.
16. Committee of the Whole report (November 23) - (1) re City land on Sandy Point Road,
(2) re lease of land off Sandy Point Road to Fundy Cablevision Ltd., (3) re Provincial
land in Latimer Lake area, and (4) re proposed closing of Skal ing Court.
17. Saint John Parking Commission re appointment of by-law enforcement officer.
18. Saint John Environment Committee re non-smoking by-laws.
19. Letter from 3015 St. Martins Royal Canadian Army Cadets re denial of use of
City Crest to 1691 Saint John Army Cadet Corps.
20. 4:15 p.m. - Hearing of appeal re suspension of taxi 1 icense.
21. 5:00 p.m. - Presentation re Saint John Sports Hall of Fame.
22. 5:30 p.m. - Presentation by Saint John Central Business Development Corporation
re 1988 Strategic Plan and Budget.
23. Re Days of Rest Act (City Sol icitor).
24. Re on-street parking as it affects snow removal (City Manager).
25. Re proposed street closing at 755 Rothesay Avenue (City Manager).
26. Re Rockwood Park School (City Manager).
27. Re pollution monitoring station in Forest Hills (City Manager).
28. Re Loch Lomond Watershed (City Manager).
29. Re crosswalk in area of St. Pius X Church (City Manager).
30. Reports re employees' salaries (City Manager).