COMMON COUNCIL - as at October 2, 1987.
1. Meeting called to order, 7:00 p.m., October 5 - prayer.
2. Approval of minutes (September 28).
3. Proclamations (Mayor Wayne).
4. Re 1987-88 grant request of Saint John Symphony (Mayor Wayne).
5. Re traffic on Wildwood Street, Parkhill Drive and Gerard Street (Councillor M. Vincent).
6. Payment of invoice.
7. Re asphalt usage.
8. Progress payment.
9. Report re tender for chain link fencing.
10. Re Urban Forest Management Program.
11. Re establishment.
12. Re Fallsview Park expropriation - Murray & Gregory Limited.
Committee of the Whole report (September 28) - (1) re sale of lot on Gilbert Street,
(2) re sale of land lying west of Ashburn Road, (3 to 5) Nominating Committee
Nominating Committee report.
14. Letter from Minister of Municipal Affairs and Environment re Stimulation Grant.
15. Letter from Alderman for City of Ottawa re Amnesty International.
16. Petition from Kanes Corner workers re train whistles at Thorne Avenue crossing.
17. Letters from (a) Mrs. N. Cote and (b) Blake and Carol Palmer re BrennanjVautour
re-zoning of Latimore Lake Road property.
18. Notices from Liquor Licensing Board re hearing of applications of Valley Beverage Room
Ltd. and Avenue Pub Inc., 115 City Road and 418 Rothesay Avenue, respectively.
19. Letter from Citizens Committee re civic centre submitting surplus from study fund.
*19A. Request to place banner at head of King Street re Poor Boy luncheon.
*19B. Re brief on Federal sales tax reform (City Manager).
*19C. Re Housing Through Infill Development Program (City Manager).
LEGAL SESSION - 4:00 p.m.
20. Re Fallsview Park expropriation - Murray & Gregory Limited (City Solicitor).
21. Letter from Barry & O'Neil, solicitors, re Heart and Lung Act.
22. 4:30 p.m. - Presentation by Saint John Policemen's Protective Association, Local
No. 61, C.U.P.E., of grievances on behalf of (a) Thomas C. Sully,
(b) Leonard E. Tonge and (c) Raymond Beale.
23. 5:30 p.m. - Presentation by Local No. 18 C.U.P.E. of grievance on behalf of
Gordon Haslett.
24. Re 1 Market Square (Mayor Wayne).
25. Letter from Civic Employees Local Union No. 18 C.U.P.E. re arbitration of Danny Melanson
26. Re nominee to arbitration board, Local No. 18 grievance concerning contracting out
of cleaning work (City Manager).
27. Re brief on Federal sales tax reform (City Manager).
28. Re agreement on Ritchie Building at 50 Princess Street (City Manager).
29. Re City-owned land on St. James Street (City Manager).
30. Re use of sidewalks by hawkers and pedlars (City Manager).
31. Re Housing Through Infill Development Program (City Manager).