COMMON COUNCIL - as at September 25, 1987.
1. Meeting called to order, 7:00 ~., Monday, September 28 - prayer.
2. Approval of minutes (September 14).
3. Mayor1s remarks.
4. 7:15 p.m. - Presentation of final report and financial statement
of Participaction Committee.
7:30 p.m.
- Michael M. Drouillard, Owner, to appear to show cause why the
building at civic number 71 St. James Street (L.R.I.S.Number 2808)
in the City of Saint John, should not be removed or destroyed as a
dangerous or dilapidated building.
7:45 p.m.-
Presentation by MacKnight Motors Ltd. re business operations.
7. Re funding for the reconstruction of Route No.lll, Thorne Avenue (Mayor Wayne).
8. Re annual meeting of the Korea Veterans Association (Mayor Wayne).
9. Re closure of Rothesay Avenue on September 19 (Mayor Wayne).
10. Re FCM Annual Conference (Councillor MacDougall).
11. Re payment of asphalt invoices.
12. Report re tender for contract #87-15, King Square South.
13. Report re tender for contract #87-16, Thorne Avenue Reconstruction.
14. Re tender for safety boots.
15. Payment of invoice - Canada Games Stadium Lighting.
16. Re public meeting on South End concerns.
17. Re playground equipment in Riverview Park.
18. Re 1987 excavation permit of Galbraith Construction Ltd. for gravel pit at 3795 Loch
Lomond Road.
19. Re 1987 excavation permit of Gulf Operators gravel pit at 990 Grandview Avenue.
20. Re 1987 excavation permit of Gulf Operators for gravel pit at 1975 Manawagonish Road.
21. Re 1987 excavation permit of Joseph Steele gravel pit at 897 Hillcrest Road.
22. Re 1987 excavation permit of Joseph Steele gravel pit at 107 Green Lake Crescent.
23. Re 1987 excavation permit of Fundy Bay Holdings Ltd. gravel pit at 460 Latimor Lake Rd.
24. Report re removal of obstructions in street rights of way.
*25. Re proposed easement at 145 Loch Lomond Road. (withdrawn).
26. Re unsightly premises - 551, 565 and 567 Rothesay Avenue.
27. Re unsightly premises - 9 Rockwood Avenue.
2d. Re re-zoning application of Millidge Gardens Inc., 445 Boars Head Rd. (see also item #42)
*29. Re expropriation - Murray & Gregory Limited, Fallsview Park. (withdrawn).
30. Re expropriation - ICURYY Corp., Loch Lomond.
31. Re expropriation - Irving Oil Company Limited, Westmorland Road.
32. Re expropriation - Tritor Developments Limited et al, Westmorland Road.
33. Re application of Elmer Soucy for a Municipal Plan amendment.
34' (a) Third Reading of proposed Traffic By-Law re residential parking permits (1st & 2nd
readings given September 14).
(b) . Letter from the Saint John Parking Commission re Cliff Street.
(c) . Letter from the Lower Cove Housing Co-op re proposed amendment.
35. Re schedule of public hearing for Petro-Canada Ltd. application for Municipal
Plan and re-zoning of property at 247 Bayside Drive and 20-26 Mount Pleasant Ave.
36. Committee of the Whole Report ( September 21) - (1) re former abattoir property;
(~ re encroachment of building at 2 Watson Street; (3) re'sale of Parcel II A" Courtenay
Place Development; ( 4) reooMemorandum of Agreement with C.U.P.E. Local 18 re arena
employees; ( 5) re Superslide Ltd.; ( 6) re cost sharing - Grandview Subdivision;
( 7) appointments to the Arbour Day Committee; (8) re position of Executive Assistant
to the Mayor; (9) re scheduling of Council meetings; and (10) re Loch Lomond watershed
37. Planning Advisory Committee reA estgate Park Subdivision, Phase I, Stage 3.
38. Report of grants by Grants Review3 oard.
39. Saint John Parking Commission re appointment of3 y-Law Enforcement Officers.
40. The Market Square Corporation re tender for reconstruction of South Market Street.
41. Environment Committee re non-reusable beverage containers.
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COMMON COUNCIL - as at September 25, 1987.
42. Letter from Louis E. Murphy, M.L.A. re MacKnight Motors Ltd.
43. Letter from Provincial-Municipal Council responding to resolutions from the City.
44. Letter from the City of Vancouver, B C. re Special Committee of p~~ce.
45. Request from Saint John "Riverboat" Classic for grant.
46. Application for amendment to re-zoning conditions by Prince Edward Square Limited.
47. Application of Millidge Gardens Inc. for re-zoning of property on Boarls Head Road.
- 4: O~_~:_
48. 4:15 p.m. - Presentation by Saint John Fire Fightersl Pipe and Drum Band
re 1988 budget.
49. 5:30 p.m. Continuation of hearing of grievance of Local Union No. 18, C.U.P.E.
on behalf of Terry Rollins.
50. Request from Saint John Seafarer1s Mission for grant (Mayor Wayne).
51. Re arbitration of grievance re contracting out of cleaning work (City Manager).
52. Re sale of land on Gilbert Street ( City Manager).
53. Re sale of land west of Ashburn Road (City Manager).
54. Re MacKni ght Motors (City Manager).