1987-03-23_Agenda AGE N D A COMMON COUNCIL - as at March 20, 1987. 1. Meeting called to order, 4:00 p.m., March 23 - prayer. 2. Confirmation of minutes (March 16). 3. Re Louis MUr(:)hy Overpass (Coljncillor FlewwelliQq). . *3A. Letter from Environment Commlttee proposlng Arb"Our Day Cornrnlttee. *38. Letter from Mr. Dan Adler recloseElffs~.a.RAt~Resentation. *3C. Re City Engineer (City Mgr.: 4. Re promotional video. 5. Report re tender for motorized equipment. 6. Report re tender for asphaltic concrete mixes. 7. Report re tender for demolition of building at 94 and 96 Rodney Street. 8. Re Provincial highways winter and summer maintenance agreement. 9. Re Oregon proposal for tax savings for historic properties. 10. Re program to enforce sign provisions of Zoning By-Law. COMMON CLERK 11. Third reading of proposed Zoning By-Law amendment re 371 Manchester Avenue (1st and 2nd readings given March 16). COMMITTEES 12. Committee of the Whole report (March 16) - (1) re freehold interest in 64 St. John Street and Minnette Street property, (2) re freehold interest in 178 Queen Street, (3) re 327 Charlotte Street, and (4) re City Market. GENERAL 13. Letter from Minister of Health and Community Services re district medical health officer. 14. Responses from Provincial-Municipal Council tnc. to Common Council resolutions re (a) taxi legislation and (b) trained arbitrators. 15. Letter from Human Rights Awareness New Brunswick Incorporated re pension funds. LEGAL SESSION 16. Judgment re Section 40 of Police Act (City Solicitor). COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 17. 6:30 p.m. 18. 7:00 p.m. 19. 7: 15 p.m. 20. 7:30 p.m. - Presentation by North End Improvement Corporation. - Meeting with One Step Further re request for support. - Meeting with Women's Symposium re request for support. - Presentation by Saint John policemen's Protective Association, Local No. 61, C.U.P.E., of grievance re equipment for courses. 21. 7:45 p.m. - Meeting with Human Development Council re booklet. 22. Re spelling of City's name (Mayor Wayne). 23. Re request of Centre Communautaire Samuel-De-Champlain for grant. 24. Letter from Civic Employees Local Union No. 18 C.U.P.E. re arbitration of grievance. 25. Letter from Mr. Dan Adler re address of John Howard Society in closed session. 26. Letter from Saint John Board of Pol ice Commissioners re cadet program. 27. Letter from Saint John Fundy Region Development Commission Inc. re economic issues. 28. Re group homes (City Manager). 29. Re request for new ambulance (City Manager). 30. Re 129 St. James Street West (City Manager). 31. Re uniform tax rate (City Manager). 32. Re by-law enforcement (City Manager). 33. Re water supp 1 y, Rothesay Paper Ltd. (C i ty Manager). 34. Re Reversing Falls boat museum (City Manager). 35. Re Loch Lomond watershed properties (City Manager). 36. Re City Engineer (City Manager). 37. Re bandstand, Market Sl ip (City Manager). 38. Re World Chess Festival (City Manager).