1987-01-26_Agenda AGE N D A COMMON COUNCIL - as at January 23, 1987. I. Meeting called to order, 4:00 p.m. - January 26 - prayer. 2. Confirmation of minutes (January 19). 3, Proclamation (Mayor Wayne). 4. Re Courtenay House, Broad Street ( Councillor MacDougall). 5. Re New Brunswick Museum Archives (Councillor MacDougall). CITY MANAGER 6. Re 441 01 ive Street. 7. Re Manawagonish Road/Manchester Avenue traffic signals. 8. Re illuminated crosswalk, St. Pius X Church, Somerset Street. COMMON CLERK 9. Third Reading of proposed Zoning By-Law amendment re land on the northeast corner of Molson Avenue and Sand Cove Road, as requested by Manford M. Thompson Construction Company Limited. (1st & 2nd readings given January 19). COMMITTEES 10. Committee of the Whole report (January 19) - (I) re 1987 Canadian Firefighters Conference, (2) re appointments to the Saint John Parking Commission, (3) re appointments to the Saint John Fundy Region Development Commission, (4) re appointments to the Saint John Port Development Commission, (5) re Provincial Iy- designated highways, (6) re former Home for the Blind, (7) re 321 Princess Street, and (8) re Crescent Val ley Community Church. II. Saint John Tourism Advisory Commission re membership. GENERAL 12. Letter from R.A. Corbett, M.P. re sugar tariff. 13. Letter from the Village of East Riverside-Kingshurst re sugar tariff. 14. Letter from Barry, O'Neil & Company re Prince Will iam Street redevelopment. 15. Letter from The Saint John Chapter of the UNBSJ Alumni rejoint committee. 16. Letter from the Lower Cove Housing Co-Op Inc. re in-fill housing. LEGAL SESSION 17. Re demolition cost recovery - 72 Rope Walk Road (City Sol icitor). 18. Re Revenue Properties management fees (City Sol icitor). COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 19. 5:30~:~ - Presentation by Saint John Policemen's Protective Association, Local No. 61, C .U.P.E., of grievances re (a) investigation of new candidates and (b) training course. 20. 6:30 p.m. - Presentation by Paul Zed re Water Street. 21. 7:00 p.m. - Presentation by Human Development Council. 22. 1:3~_~~ - presentation by Saint John Symphony Orchestra 23. Re Research and Information Centre (Mayor Wayne). 24. Re Falls View Park (Council lor Knibb). 25. Nominating Committee recommendation (tabled January 19). 26(a) Re administration of Market Square leases (City Manager) (b) Letter from The Market Square Corporation re above. 27. Resolutions for Cities of New Brunswick Meeting (City Manager) 28. Re ambulance services - interhospital charges (City Manager). 29. Re 143 Britain Street (City Manager). 30. Re property Golden Grove Road ( City Manager). 31. Re 79 Paradise Row (City Manager) 32. Re Site "DII - Water Street ( City Manager). 33. Re 236-238 Duke Street ( City Manager). 34. Re deteriorated houses - South End (City Manager). 35. Re Land and Water Use pol icy (City Manager).