COMMON COUNCIL - as at January 16, 1987.
I. Meeting cal led to order, 7:00 p.m., January 19 - prayer.
2. Confirmation of minutes (January 12).
3. 7:00 p.m. - (a) Proposed Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone an approximate 2.8
acre parcel of land located on the northeast corner of Molson
Avenue and Sand Cove Road, from "1-1" Light Industrial to IIRM-I"
Three Storey Multiple Residential classification, to permit the
construction of a 24 unit garden home development, as requested by
Manford M. Thompson Construction Company Limited.
(b) Letter from Planning Advisory Committee re proposed amendment.
(c) Letter from Victor and Isabel Jones in opposition to proposed
amendmen t .
(d) Letter from Carmel M. Murphy re proposed amendment.
Re Charles 1. Gorman and N.B. Outdoor Speedskating Champlonshlps.
Re proclamations (Mayor Wayne).
Re truck routes (Councillor Flewwell ing).
Re city's hiring pol icy <Councjllor.FlewwelliQq).
Adoption of resolutions for submlSSlon to CltlBS of New Brunswick meeting.
7. Progress payments.
8. Re truck routes.
9. Re Tisdale Lane property.
10. Re Contract 87-2 Rothesay Avenue Office Complex Phase 2.
I I. Committee of the Whole report (January l~--- (1) re Shad Valley Summer Program'
(2) re 232 Duke Street; (3) re 17 Bridge Street; (4) re closing of Woodlawn
Avenue; (5) re 13 Spar Cove Road and (6) re old chemical truck.
12. Committee of the Whole report (December I) - (1) re appointments to the Saint John
Fundy Region Development Commission.
13. Committee of the Whole report (December 22) - (I) appointments to the Saint John
Port Development Commission and (2) appointment to the Saint John Fundy Region
Development Commission.
14. Board of Trustees of City of Saint John Pension Plan re retirement of George CI ifford.
15. Planning Advisory Committee - 377 Lakeview Drive Subdivision.
16. Planning Advisory Committee - Kennebecasis Investments Ltd., Bon Accord Subdivision Phase3
17. Response from Minister of Municipal-Affairs and Environment re designation of persons
who may exercise powers set out in Section 190.1 of the Municipal ities Act.
18. Letter from Louis E. Murphy, M.L.A. re traffic pattern at the intersection of
Green Head qnd Dever Roads.
19. 11987 tities. of New Brunswick dues and provincial-Municipal Council Warrant.
20. Letter from Rose Hamilton re snow plowing of bus stops.
21. Letter from the Alexandra Seniors Citizen's Club re condition of crosswalks, bus stops,
curbs and sidewalks.
22. Letter from Joan Parfitt re in-fill housing.
LEGAL SESSION - 4:00 p.m.
23. Re demol ition of property at corner of Well ington Rowand Union Street (City Sol icitor).
24, Re Revenue Properties management fees (City Sol icitor).
25. 5:00 p.m. - Presentation by the Human Development Council
26. Re Great Canadian Lange Skate Challenge (Councillor M. Vincent).
27. Letter from the Canadian Firefighters Association requesting grant.
28. Nominating Committee report.
29. Saint John Board of pol ice Commissioners r~ appointment of arbitrator.
30. Letter from The Saint John Symphony requesbing grant.
31. Re provincially designated highways 5 Year Capital Improvement Program (City Manager).
32. Re Saint John Heritage Trust Inc. - 5 & 13 Prince Wil I iam Street ( City Manager).
33. Re Select Committee of land use and water pol icy ( City Manager).
34. Re Resolutions for Cities of New Brunswick meeting (City Manager).
35. Re former Home for the BI ind, 1660 Manawagonish Road ( City Manager).
36. Re 321 Princess Street (City Manager).
37. Re Crescent Valley Community Church - Somerset Street ( City Manager).