COMMON COUNCIL - as at October 3, 1986.
1. Meeting called to order, 4:00 p.m., October 6 - prayer.
2. Confirmation of minutes (September 29).
3. Mayorls remarks.
4. Re grass cutting on all City-owned property (Councillor MacDougall).
* 5. Re air and ducts in City Hall (Councillor MacDougall). (withdrawn)
6. Re surgical cardiac unit (Councillor MacDougall).
7. Payment of invoice.
8. Progress payment.
9. Report re tender for sa 1 t spreader.
10. Report re tender for contract 86-23, St. James Street water and sewer renewal.
11. Report re tender for contract 86-26, Regent Street water and sewer.
12. Report re tender for contract 86-27, Lakeview Drive concrete curb and sidewalk.
13. Re extension of transfer date of 181 Market Place to Paul Smith.
14. Re request of Loch Lomond School Association for basketball net installation.
15. Committee of the Whole report (September 29) - (1) Nominating Committee recommendation;
(2 & 3) re renovations to City Hall; (4) re lease for sewer outfall, Robertson Square;
(5) re storm sewer easement, Lot 2 Block 7, Forest Hills; and (6) re proposed amendment
to Parking Commission Act to effect residential parking permit policy.
16. Planning Advisory Committee - P & L Holdings Ltd., Brentwood Park, Phase 4.
17. Planning Advisory Committee - E.L. Woods Estate Subdivision, 500 Grandview Avenue.
18. Planning Advisory Committee - Granville Willis Subdivision, 1400 Golden Grove Road.
19. Planning Advisory Committee - Mary Doyle Subdivision, 120 Range Road.
20. Letter from Stephen D. Carson re designation of Orange Street between Carmarthen and
Wentworth Streets as a preservation review area.
21. Letter from Saint John College Development Incorporated re residences at UNBSJ campus.
22. Letter from Canadian Association for the Mentally Retarded Saint John Branch Inc. re
status of previous inquiry re pol icy statement on non-discrimination.
23. Letter from Saint John Harbour Bridge Authority re fare structure for small trucks & vans.
24. 5:30 p.m. - Presentation by Festival by the Sea - Festival sur mer, Inc.
25. Report of Grants Advisory Board.
26. (a) Letter from Commissioner of Finance and (b) letter from City Solicitor re
grievances of Local No. 61 re (a) disability pensioners and (b) Blue Cross for
27. Re proposa 1 ca 11, former Lancas ter City Ha 11 (C i ty Manager - verba l) .
CouncU wi: 11 conduct interv. i.ews for the
position of
COJl1l1Jissioner of Economic Development at 2:00
on Monday, October 6, 1986, in the 8th floor
p.m. and 3:00 p.m.
boardroom, City Hall.