COMMON COUNCIL - as at May 30, 1986.
1. Meeting called to order, 7:00 p.m., June 2 - prayer.
2. Confirmation of minutes (May 20 and May 26).
3. Mayor's remarks.
4. 7:00 p.m. - (a) Proposed Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone the following existing
shopping centres from the various existing zones to the I'SC" Shopping
Centre zone: Lancaster Plaza, Manawagonish Mall, Sobey's Mall, Sears/
Royal Bank, Loch Lomond Mall, Parkway Mall, Westmorland Place and
McAllister Place, to bring all existing shopping centres into the
appropriate zone thereby removing them from their non-conforming use
(b) Letter from Planning Advisory Committee re proposed amendment.
5. 7:00 p.m. - (a) Proposed Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone a parcel of land with
an area of .97 hectares (2.4 ac) located on both sides of undeveloped
Todd Street, between Glen Road and Broadway Street, from IRS-2" One-
and Two-Family Suburban Residential to "RM-l" Three-Storey Multiple
Residential classification, to permit the development of 32 townhouse
units, as requested by D. Hatfield Ltd.
(b) Letter from Planning Advisory Committee re proposed amendment.
6. Re resolution submission by West Vancouver, B.C., to forthcoming FCM conference
(Mayor Wayne).
7. Re pay zones in Atlantic Canada for general labour and trades people of Union of
Canadian Transport Employees (Mayor Wayne).
8. Re request of City of Regina for support of its Phase I Rail Relocation Appl ication
(Mayor Wayne).
9. Re Zoning By-Law changes to allow removal of top soil from citizens' land (Mayor Wayne).
10. Re Federal Government employees (Mayor Wayne).
11. Re Dr. Will iam F. Roberts Hospital School (Councillor MacDougall).
12. Re public health medical officer (Councillor MacDougall).
13. Re Bi-Capitol Theatre project (Councillor MacDougall).
14. Report re tender for exiting and fire alarm systems, Old Provincial building.
15. Report re tender for contract 86-5 Charlotte Street West water and sewer renewal.
16. Report re tender for contract 86-6 Lakewood Drive storm sewer.
17. Report re tender for demolition of building located at 22-24 Peters Street.
18. Report re tender for demolition of building and basement located at 430 Prince Street West.
19. Re Mrs. Bartlett Taylor's letter concerning sidewalks on Douglas Avenue.
20. Re May 5 presentation for water and sewerage services in Brookville/Torryburn area.
21. Re April 28 presentation regarding parking for Lower Cove Housing Co-Operative.
22. Re downtown co-ordination. (withdrawn)
23. Payment of invoice.
24. Progress payments.
25. Payment of invoice of Central Labour Relations Services Limited re Local 18 arbitration.
26. Bid report re pressure reducing valves.
27. Re application of Kennedy Developments Ltd. for Municipal Plan amendment and re-zoning
of property on Ashburn Road.
28. Committee of the Whole report (May 20) - (1) re request of Saint John and Western
District Crime Stoppers for financial assistance; (2) re proposed sale of properties
on St. James and Harding Streets; (3) re debifrillation equipment for ambulance services;
and (4) re proposal for development of Cedar Point lands.
29. Planning Advisory Committee - Lawrence Garnett Subdivision, 14-16 Lakewood Avenue East.
30. Planning Advisory Committee - P & L Holdings subdivision, 394 Woodward Avenue.
31. Santa Claus Parade Committee - 1985 report.
32. Recreation and Parks Advisory Board - re removal-May election candidates' signs.
33. Response from Minister of Advanced Education and Training to Council resolution re
transfer of engineering drafting and design program from NBCC-Saint John Campus.
34. Letter from The Saint John District Labour Council re South African products.
35. Request from residents of Boylan Road for services to area.
36. Letter from residents of Mecklenburg Street re building at 139 Mecklenburg Street.
37. Request from Partridge Island Research Project for financial assistance.
38. Application of Hughes Surveys & Consultants Ltd. for re-zoning of Woodward Avenue property.
Page 2.
COMMON COUNCIL - as at May 30, 1986.
39. 4:30 p.m. - Presentation of grievances by Saint John Policemen's Protective Association,
Local No. 61, C.U.P.E., re (a) second file system and (b) filling of senior
positions on statutory holidays.
40. 5:00 p.m. - The Market Square Corporation re 1985 Annual Reports of Corporation and
Market Square Parking Garage.
41. 5:15 p.m. - Presentation by Major Concerts Inc. re August 17 concert,
Canada Games Stadium.
42. 5:30 p.m. - Presentation by Festival by the Sea - Festival Sur Mer, Inc.
re Festival 186 - August 10-23.
43. Re purchase of City land by Leonard Vautour (Councillor Flewwell ing - see also item #53).
44. Letter from Mr. Eric L. Teed, Q.C., re submission to Commission of Inquiry into
municipal labour relations.
45. Letter from Barry, O'Neil & Company re Prince William Street redevelopment.
46. Re confl ict of interest legislation (Acting City Solicitor).
47. Report of committee re chess tournament update (available Monday).
48. Re proposed Building By-Law amendment (City Manager) and letter from Trinity Royal
Business Association re fourth floors in Prince William Street area.
49. Re City-owned land - Morris Street (City Manager).
50. Re fire lane - Montreal Avenue (City Manager).
51. Re commercial space - Rotary Admiral Beatty Complex (City Manager).
52. Re streetscape - Prince William Street (City Manager).
53. Re 143 Germain Street West (City Manager).
54. Re Somerset Street property sold to G. LeBlanc (City Manager).
55. Re offer of Mr. & Mrs. M. O'Regan to sell property at 21 Garden Street (City Manager).
56. Re 9-11 Exmouth Street (City Manager).
57. Re tender for sale of vacant land (City Manager).
58. Re inquiry of The River and Bay Energy Development Company re leasing of 1 ime kilns
and 1 ime rock supply at Greenhead Cove (City Manager).