1986-05-20_Agenda COMMON COUNCIL - as at May 16, 1986. AGE N 0 A 1. Meeting called to order, 4:00 p.m., Tuesday, May 20 - prayer. 2. Confirmation of minutes (May 5). 3. Mayor's remarks. 4. Re request of Kennebecasis Valley High School for financial assistance (Mayor Wayne). 5. Re Crown Street area being used as truck route (Mayor Wayne). 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 7 25. 37. 38. 39. "'38A. '-'39A. "'39B. '-'39C. '-'390. CITY MANAGER Payment of invoice. Payment of invoice. Report re bid for aluminum sign blanks. Report re tender for concrete cutter. Report re tender for contract 86-4 - installation of chlorine gas detectors. Re replacement part for asphalt spreader. Re request of Canada Day Committee for street closing during Canada Day events. Re proposed re-zoning of 91 Red Head Road (see also items #22 & 25). Progress payment. Report re tender for contract 86-3 - Kennebecasis Drive water. Re CP Rail, Bentley Street. Re GRIP application - Blair Construction Ltd. Re GRIP application - Vicmaur Ltd. Re GRIP application - R. Gordon Church. Report re tender for sowing of hay. 21. 22. CITY SOLI C I TOR Re compensation for and possession of lands at 117 Mallett Road. Re proposed re-zoning of 91 Red Head Road (see also items #13 & 25). 23. COMMON CLERK Re application of E. C. Hobart for Municipal Plan amendment and re-zoning of property at 3320 Westfield Road. (a) Third reading of proposed Municipal Plan amendment re Bayside Drive and Mount Pleasant Avenue, as requested by Langtry Development Inc. (1st & 2nd readings given Ma y 5). (b) Third reading of proposed Zoning By-Law re Mount Pleasant Avenue (1st & 2nd readings given May 5). (c) Letters from Betty & Gordon MacVicar and Retail Gasol ine Dealers Association of New Brunswick and petition re above. Third reading of proposed Zoning By-Law amendment re 91 Red Head Road, as requested by Eldon J. Hogan (tabled May 5). Third reading of proposed Zoning By-Law amendment re 246 Old Black River Road, as requested by Mr. & Mrs. Perry W. Hosford (1st & 2nd readings given May 5). 24/ 26. v 27. 28. 29. 30. COMMITTEES Committee of the Whole report (May 5) - (1) re property transaction with Transport Canada, Water Street. Planning Advisory Committee re proposed subdivision Ray Brown property, 169 Crowley Road. The Market Square Corporation - 1985 Annual Report. The Market Square Corporation - Parking Garage 1985 Annual Report. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. GENERAL Letter from Dr. Monica Mooney re liThe Mountain" property, City Line. Letter from Saint John Harbour Bridge Authority re budget for year ending March 1987. Appl ication of Mr. Luigi Scichilone for re-zoning of 86 Lansdowne Avenue. Application of S & A Holding Ltd. for re-zoning of 421 Woodward Avenue. Application of Lancaster Lions Club Inc. for re-zoning of 303 Milford Road. Application of solicitors for Westwind Pub Inc. for Zoning By-Law amendment re 800 Fairville Boulevard. Request of Royal Kennebecasis Yacht Club for financial assistance re Sail East 186. Request of Rocmaura Inc. for financial assistance re wheelchair van. Letter from W. Gray re change in signage 297 Charlotte Street. Response of Transit Commission to #69 Branch Royal Canadian Legion. The Market Square Corporation - information report on City Market Phase I. Re Rockwood Park Planning and Feasibility Study. 1985 Financial Statements of the City of Saint John. Re parking meters - special events. Page 2. COMMON COUNCIL - as at May 16, 1986. LEGAL SESSION 40. Letter from solicitors for Hazen T. Dykeman re 171 Rothesay Avenue. 41. Re Lantic Sugar water rates (Acting City Solicitor). COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 42. 6:15 p.m. - Presentation of grievance by Saint John Policemen's Protective Association, Local No. 61, C.U.P.E., re second file system. 43. 6:30 p.m. - Hearing of appeal for reinstatement of taxi 1 icense. 44. 6:45 p.m. - Hearing of appeal for reinstatement of taxi license. 45. 7:00 p.m. - Presentation re Rockwood Park Planning and Feasibil ity Study. 46. Re Sisters of Charity of the Immaculate Conception inquiry re home improvement programs (Mayor Wayne). 47. Re request of Saint John & Western District Crime Stoppers Program for financial assistance. 48. Provincial-Municipal Inc. re brief to Inquiry Commission into Municipal Labour Relations. 49. Letter from W. R. Fitzpatrick re Burpee Avenue public stairway. 50. Re proposed sale of 55-65 St. James Street and 14 Harding Street (City Manager). 51. Re intersection of Dever and Green Head Roads (City Manager). 52. Re ambulance services (City Manager). 53. Re parking meters - special events (City Manager). 54. Re streetscape - Prince William Street (City Manager). 55. Re proposal call for development of Cedar Point lands (City Manager). 56. Re water pressure changes, Champlain Heights (City Manager).