COMMON COUNCIL - as at May 2, 1986.
1. Meeting called to order, 9:00 a.m., May 5 - prayer.
2. Confirmation of minutes (April 25 & April 28).
3. Mayor's remarks.
4. Re placement of crosswalk markings on designated highways (Mayor Wayne).
5. Payment of invoices.
6. Report re tender for wall and floor coverings, commercial space, Rotary Admiral Beatty.
7. Report re tender for contract #86-2, Champlain Street and Fairville Blvd. water & sewer.
8. Report re tender for computer hardware and services.
9. Re extension of watermain on Colpitts Avenue.
10. Re petition on behalf of residents of Reading Crescent and Roxbury Drive re sidewalks
and curbs in area.
11. Re residential building development activity.
12. Re Dutch Elm disease control.
13. Re GRIP application - Rocca Enterprises Ltd.
14. Re GRIP application - Nautilus Construction & Rentals Ltd.
15. (a) Third reading of proposed
Road, as requested by Mr.
(b) Third reading of proposed
readings given April 28).
(c) Letter from solicitor for
Municipal Plan amendment re property at 91 Red Head
Eldon J. Hogan (1st & 2nd readings given April 28).
Zoning By-Law amendment re above property (1st and 2nd
Martina O'Brien of 97 Red Head Road re above.
16. Committee of the Whole report (April 28) - (I) Grants Advisory Board recommendations;
(2) re request of St. Vincent's High School for financial assistance; (3) re proposed
amendment to Section 56. I Operating Agreement, Rotary Admiral Beatty Complex; (4) re
sale of former Rebecca Avenue; (5) re lot 85-2 Metcalfe Street; and (6) re CFL League
Cup event, June 7.
17. Planning Advisory Committee re appl ication of Langtry Development Inc. for Municipal
Plan amendment and re-zoning of property at Bayside Drive and Mount Pleasant Avenue
(publ ic hearing held April 28, no readings given).
IS. Planning Advisory Committee re Westgate Park Subdivision, Phase I, Stage I I.
19. Saint John Board of Pol ice Commissioners re Saint John & Western District Crime
Stoppers Program.
20. Response to Council resolution of March 17 re traffic safety.
21. Appl ication of D. Hatfield Ltd. for re-zoning of property on Todd Street.
22. 7:00 p.m. - (a) Proposed Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone a lot of land at 246 Old
Black River Road from '11-2" Heavy Industrial to "R-2" One- and Two-
Family Residential classification, to permit the removal of the
existing residence and the construction of a new residential building,
as requested by Mr. & Mrs. Perry W. Hosford.
(b) Letter from Planning Advisory Committee re proposed amendment.
23. 7:00 p.m. - Public presentation of proposed Municipal Plan amendment to redesignate
on Schedule 2-A of the Plan an approximate 10-acre parcel of land located
adjacent to Royal Parkway (which is partially undeveloped) from Low Density
Residential to Medium Density Residential classification, to permit the
re-zoning of the area to "RM-l" Three-Storey Multiple Residential
classification and the development of twelve three-storey IS-unit
apartment buildings, as requested by Atlantic Recoveries Limited.
24. 7:00 p.m. - Public presentation of proposed Municipal Plan amendment to redesignate
on Schedule 9-A from Stage One to Unstaged classification, a parcel of
land at 2405 Westfield Road, being approximately 8 hectares (20 ac.) in area
and having a frontage of 35 m (115 ft.) on Westfield Road nearly opposite
Belmont Road, to al low this area to be re-zoned to "RR" Rural Residential
classification so that 13 lots can be serviced by well and septic tank,
as requested by Hughes Surveys & Consultants Ltd.
25. 7:15 p.m. - Presentation on behalf of residents of Brookvi1 le/Torryburn area re
need for water and sewerage for residents in this area.
*25A. Re closure of engineering drafting design course, N.B. Community College (Councillor Knibb).
Page 2.
COMMON COUNCIL - as at May 2, 1986.
Re telex from I.H. Mathers & Son Limited (Mayor
Re proposed commencement of action (Acting City
Wayne) .
Sol ici tor).
9:00 a.m. open session)
28. Re Lantic Sugar water rates (Councillor Knibb).
29. Re Coast Guard land, Market Slip (City Manager).
30. Re parking - special events (City Manager).
Council will meet in open session at 9:00 0'c1ock a.m., Monday,
May 5, 1986, followed by Legal Session and Committee of the Whole;
and reconvene in open session at 7:00 o'clock p.m. on that date.