COMMON COUNCIL - as at March 14, 1986.
1. Meeting called to order, 7:00 p.m., March 17 - prayer.
2. Confirmation of minutes (March 10).
3. Mayor1s remarks.
4. 7:00 p.m. - (a) Proposed Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone a 3 acre parcel of land
located on the northern side of Sand Cove Road, approximately 500 feet
east of the entrance to the Dr. W. F. Roberts Hospital School, and having
a frontage of approximately 500 feet and depth of approximately 300 feet,
being a portion of the former Provincial Hospital Annex and more recently
occupied by the Church of the Nazarene, from "RF" Rural to IRM-1" Three-
Storey Multiple Residential classification, to permit development of this
parcel of land for 35 townhouse units, as requested by Sand Cove Road
(b) Letter from Planning Advisory Committee re proposed amendment.
5. 7:00 p.m. - Public presentation of proposed Municipal Plan amendment to reclassify
a parcel of land at 1018 Mill idge Avenue, located north of Kennebecasis
Drive and east of Millidge Avenue fronting on a so-called "reserve street"
from Stage 1 to Unstaged classification, to permit re-zoning of the parcel
to Rural Residential classification to permit development of the site with
well and septic tank, as requested by Will iam H. Dowd.
6. 7:15 p.m. - Presentation of 1985 financial statements.
7. 7:45 p.m. - Presentation by Saint John Chapter of New Brunswick Association of
English Speaking Canadians Inc. re proposed plebiscite with respect
to bilingual service in the City of Saint John.
8. Re request for financial assistance from Quispamsis Figure Skating Club (Mayor Wayne).
9. Progress payments.
10. Bid report re parts for ammonia compressors.
11. Re purchase of liquid chlorine.
12. Re purchase of IBM system 36 printer.
13. Re traffic safety - MacLaren Boulevard.
14. Report re tender for demolition of building at 72 Ropewalk Road.
15. Report re tender for clothing.
16. Re appointment of By-Law Enforcement Officers for parking.
17. Re The Saint John District Labour Council IS query concerning fees paid to G. Lawson.
18. Re The Saint John District Labour Council IS query concerning use of City vehicles.
19. Re amendments to Market Square agreements.
*19A. Re commercial space, Rotary Admiral Beatty Complex.
*19B. Re tree removal.
*19C. Re snow removal at bus stops.
20. Payment of legal fees.
21. Payment of legal fees.
22. Committee of the Whole report (March 10) - (1) re 151 Queen Street; (2) re agreement
for placement of warning siren at Rotary Admiral Beatty Complex; (3) re GRIP policy;
(4) re Bangor B1 itz; (5) re 1986 establ ishment; (6) request of City of Saint John
Retired Employees' Association for Blue Cross subsidization.
23. Planning Advisory Committee - re subdivision plan, H.C. McNamara, McNamara & Summit Dr.
24. Planning Advisory Committee - re subdivision plan, Milford Road.
25. Planning Advisory Committee - re subdivision plan, Wall Street North Extension.
26. Request of J. D. Irving, Limited for Zoning By-Law amendment re shopping centre definition.
27. Letters re new highway welcome sign and City slogan from (a) Dr. M. Mooney,
(b) Wayne M. Rice, (c) Hospitality Saint John Inc., (d) petition from residents,
(e) Joan E. Perry, (f) J. Vincent Saunders.
28. Letter from Phyll is Coston re meters in taxicabs.
29. Letter from W.G. Usher Co. Ltd. re fumes at 124 Victoria Street.
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COMMON COUNCIL - as at March 14, 1986.
30. Re Notice of App1 ication from Local No. 61 (City Solicitor).
31. 4:00 p.m. - Meeting with Mr. E. Cronk, Provincial Director of Assessments.
32. 4:30 p.m. - Presentation by The Royal Game Limited re 1987 Candidates Tournament.
33. 5:00 p.m. - Presentation by Saint John Transit Commission.
33A. 5:15 p.m. - Presentation by Wallace F. Stephen re former lagoon property,
Old Black River Road.
34. Saint John Non-Profit Housing Inc. re corporate structure.
35. The Market Square Corporation - Progress Report re City Market.
36. Letter from Diane Bormke re Canada Games Aquatic Centre.
37. Letter from Cherry Brook Zoo re acquisition of property.
38. Report of Grants Advisory Board.
39. Re Police Commission (City Solicitor).
40. Re property at Reversing Falls Tourist Bureau (City Manager).
41. Re property on Harding and St. James Streets (City Manager).
42. Re lease of 9-11 Paradise Row (City Manager).
43. Re new economic development department (City Manager).
44. Re City Hall podium area flooring (City Manager).
45. Re commercial space, Rotary Admiral Beatty Complex (City Manager).
46. Re Canon Street property (City Manager)
47. Re Central Business Development Corporation - Task Force on Festivals (City Manager).
48. Re salary adjustments (City Manager - available Monday).