COMMON COUNCIL - as at February 21, 1986.
1. Meeting cal led to order, 4:00 p.m., February 24 - prayer.
2. Confirmation of minutes (February 17).
3. Mayor's remarks.
4. Listing of invoices paid during January 1986.
5. Report re tender for promotional pins.
6. Report re tender for traffic paint.
7. Re winter and summer maintenance agreement for Provincial highways.
8. Proposed Traffic By-Law amendment re enforcement by by-law enforcement officers
appointed by Council (1st reading given February 17).
9. Zoning By-Law re group homes.
10. Appl ication of Bayview Credit Union Limited for Municipal Plan amendment and re-zoning
of property on Bayside Drive.
11. Committee of the Whole report (February 10) - (1) Nominating Committee recommendation.
12. Committee of the Whole report (February 17) - (1) re grant to Kiwanis Steel Band Inc.;
(2) re grant to Saint John Symphony Inc.; (3) re sale of land Somerset and Barker
Streets; (4) re lots 10 and 11 Clover Court; (5) re land Montgomery Crescent/Dufferin
13. Planning Advisory Committee - assent to subdivision plan re 129 Mallette Road.
14. Board of Trustees of City of Saint John Pension Plan - re 1986 compulsory retirement.
15. Board of Trustees of City of Saint John Pension Plan - re retirement of H. W. Ells.
16. Board of Trustees of City of Saint John Pension Plan - 1985 Annual Report.
17. Response from Prime Minister of Canada to Council resolution re CN operations, Moncton.
18. Letter from Cheryl A. Guthrie re precautionary measures to avoid tragic accidents.
19. Letter from Clinton R. Webb & Leslie Kierstead re roads in Martinon area.
20. Letter from Ragged Pt. Recreational Inc. re improvements to Ragged Point Road.
21. Offer from Harold Butler to sell to the City property at 16 Peters Street.
22. Letter from Edna Bonnell re area of MacLaren Boulevard and Taylor Avenue.
23. Letter from Mr. & Mrs. Donovan W. Case re proposed re-zoning of 20-40-60 City Line.
*23A. Re annual payment discount, water and sewerage util ity.
*23B. Re Eric L. Teedls letter concerning town cryer.
24. 6:30 p.m. - Presentation of 1985 Annual Report of the Saint John
Tourism Advisory Commission.
25. 7:00 p.m. - Presentation of grievance by Saint John Pol icemen1s Protective
Association, Local No. 61, re intell igence analysis course.
26. 7:30 p.m. - Presentation of Report #3 of the Economic Development Council.
27. Letter from Saint John Fundy Region Development Commission Inc. re brief to Cabinet.
28. Request to appear before Council re denial of taxi 1 icense.
29. Re arbitration decisions (City Solicitor).
30. Re proposed closing of roadway off Mountain Road (City Manager).
31. Re annual payment discount, water and sewerage util ity (City Manager).
32. Re commercial space at Rotary Admiral Beatty Complex (City Manager).
33. Re new Unconditional Grant formula (City Manager).
34. Re new highway welcome sign design (City Manager)
35. Re Ci ty Hall tax appeal (Ci ty Manager).
36. Re fire lane, Richard Street (City Manager).
37. Re economic and industrial development in Saint John (City Manager).
38. Re FCM Conference resolutions (City Manager).