1986-01-27_Agenda AGE N D A COMMON COUNCIL - as at January 24, 1986. 1. Meeting called to order, 4:00 p.m., January 27 - prayer. 2. Confirmation of minutes (January 20). 3. Mayor's remarks. 4. Re Great Participaction Day May 28, 1986 (Mayor Wayne). 5. Progress payments. 6. Re 329 Lowell Street - Carp1s Septic Tank Service. 7. Re school crossing guard, Church Avenue. 8. 1984 Annual Report of the Office of the City Manager. 9. Re 5-year Capital Improvement Program, Provincially-designated highways. ~A. Letter from New Brunswick Police Commission re pol Ice facil ities and equipment guidel ines. CITY MANAGER CITY SOLICITOR 10. Re expropriation of 117 Mallette Road. COMMON CLERK 11. Third reading of proposed Zoning By-Law amendment re 1936 Manawagonish Road, as requested by Scott Langille (1st and 2nd readings given January 20). 12. Third reading of proposed Zoning By-Law amendment to delete Section 910(3)(g) and (h) re shopping centres (1st and 2nd readings given January 20). 13. Third reading of proposed Zoning By-Law amendment re area contained by Lansdowne Avenue, Visart Street, Old Adelaide Road, Sears Street and extension thereof, as requested by So beys Stores Ltd. (1st and 2nd readings given January 20). 14. Third reading of proposed Zoning By-Law amendment of 34-36 St. James Street, as requested by The Salvation Army (1st and 2nd readings given January 20). 15. Third reading of Carmarthen Street Deferred Widening By-Law (tabled December 23, 1985). COMMITTEES 16. Committee of the Whole report (January 20) - (1) Grants Advisory Board recommendations; (2) commendation of City employee; (3) re sale of 51 Carleton Street; and (4) re appointment of Municipal Planning Director. 17. Saint John Parking Commission - re E. Teed's letter on tourist parking in City. GENERAL 18. Letter from Special Council Committee on Peace of Vancouver City Council re promotion of peace and disarmament. 19. Letter from The River and Bay Energy Development Company re lease of lime kilns and former lime rock supply at Greenhead Cove. 20. Letter from Mr. & Mrs. G. A. Hudson re re-zoning of Sobeys Stores Ltd. 's property on Old Adelaide Road and Visart Street. 21. Letter from Terrance Weatherbee re re-zoning of property at 34-36 St. James Street. 22. Letter from George W. Bate re re-zoning of property at 34-36 St. James Street. 23. Application of Maritime Sod Ltd. for re-zoning of 600 Somerset Street. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 24. 6:15 p.m. - Presentation of grievance by Saint John City Hall Employees' Local 486, C.U.P.E., re recreation supervisor vacations. 25. 6:30 p.m. - Presentation by Kiwanis Steel Band Inc. re Lancaster Kiwanis Steel Band. 26. Letter from New Brunswick Pol ice Commission re police facil ities and equipment guidel ines. 27. Letter from Lakewood Heights Home and School Association re October 28, 1985 presentation concerning sidewalks in area. 28. Letter from Central City Ambulance re private ambulance service in City. 29. Nominating Committee report. 30. Report from Grants Advisory Board. 31. Re Capital Budget, Saint John Transit Commission (City Manager). 32. Re heaters in City arenas (City Manager). 33. Re commercial space, Rotary Admiral Beatty Complex (City Manager). 34. Status report #6 - Rotary Admiral Beatty Complex (City Manager). 35. Re property at 50 P.rincess Street (City Manager). 36. Re 278 Crown Street (City Manager). 37. Re lots 85-5 and 85-6 Gifford Road (City Manager). 38. Re City Hall building (City Manager). 39. Re errors and omissions insurance (City Manager).