COMMON COUNCIL - as at December 7, 1984.
1. Meeting called to order, 7:00 p.m., December 10 - prayer.
2. Confirmation of minutes (December 3).
3. Mayor's remarks.
4. 7:00 p.m. - (a) Proposed Zoning By-Law amendment to permit fascia signs on the rear
and sides, as well as fronts, of buildings in !lB-l" Local Business
and "B-2" General Business classifications.
(b) Previous letter from Planning Advisory Committee re proposed amendment.
(c) Letter from Studio '84 Ltd. in support of proposed amendment.
7:00 p.m. - (a)
Proposed Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone a parcel of land located
between Loch Lomond Road and Latimer Lake Road and approximately
400 feet to the east of the Likely Road, from "RS-l" One- and Two-
Family Suburban Residential to "RF" Rural classification, to permit
the property to be used for a gravel pit operation, as requested by
Debly Construction Ltd.
(b) Letter from Planning Advisory Committee re proposed amendment.
6. 7:00 p.m. - (a) Proposed enactment of Business Improvement Area By-Law to designate
as a business improvement area, under the Business Improvement Areas
Act, the area bounded by the following streets: the northern side of
Union Street from the water to George Street, along the rear of
those two lots that are situated along the north side of Union to
Sydney Streets, along the western side of Sydney Street to Princess
Street, along the northern side of Princess Street to the water.
(See also item #23).
(b) Letter from City Solicitor re above.
(c) Letter from Caton Developments Limited expressing opposition to
proposed boundaries of business improvement area.
7. 7:00 p.m. - Public presentation of proposed amendment to North End Neighbourhood
Development Plan, wich forms part of the Municipal Development Plan,
to redesignate a parcel of land at 124 Victoria Street from Medium
Density Residential to Light Industrial classification, to provide
for the re-zoning of the parcel from "RM-l" Multiple Residential to
"I-I" Light Industrial classification, to permit the ground level
of the existing building to be used as an office and warehouse for
buying and selling of toys or for manufacturing operations, as
requested br. Daniel Lavigne.
8. Re Saint John College Development Incorporated's letter concerning funds for
student centre (Mayor Wayne).
9. Re investigating services supplied to City (Councillor A. Vincent).
10. Payment of invoice.
11. Payment of invoice re repairs to storage tank, Spruce Lake Industrial Park.
12. Progress payments.
13. Report re tender for water and sewerage concrete products.
14. Re 1985 Water & Sewerage Utility Budget and amendments to Water & Sewerage By-Law.
rage 2.
COMMON COUNCIL - as at December 7, 1984.
15. Re confidentiality of opinions and advice given in Legal Session.
16. (a) Committee of the Whole recommendation (December 3) re Building By-Law.
(b) Letter from Saint John Branch of the Association of Professional Engineers of
New Brunswick re said By-Law.
(c) Letter from Architects Association of New Brunswick re said By-Law.
(d) Third reading of proposed Building By-Law (1st and 2nd readings given November 13).
17. Committee of the Whole report (December 3) - (1) re acquisition of fee simple interest
and easement, 17 Summit Drive; and (2) re Employee Assistance Program.
18. Letter from FCM re resolution on Federal transfer payments to Province.
19. Memorandum from Provincial-Municipal Council Inc. re smoking control by-law.
20. Letter from Mr. C.H. Moseley re comments at November 26 Council meeting during
discussion of physiotherapy practice, Mount Pleasant Avenue.
21. Letter from Human Rights Awareness Inc. re anniversary of United Nations formation of
Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
22. Request of Port City Model Railroad Club for grant.
23. Petition from Saint John Central Business Development Corporation re budget for
business improvement area.
24. Letter from Saint John College Development Incorporated re funding for student centre.
25. Re Saint John Community Christmas Exchange.
26. Letter from Creative Productions/Day Nite Neon (N.B.) Ltd. re Prince Edward Square signagl
27. 2:30 p.m. - Budget review.
28. 4:30 p.m. - Presentation by Planning Advisory Committee re subdivision development.
29. 5:00 p.m. - Presentation by Correctional Service Canada re premises for Parrtown
Community Correctional Cente.
30. 5:30 p.m. - Presentation of grievance by Civic Employees Local Union No. 18, C.U.P.E.,
on behalf of Mr. Paul Baxter.
31. Re Poirier-Bastarache report (Mayor Wayne -verbal).
32. Request of Mr. Gerald H. Darrah to meet with Council re 128 St. James Street.
33. Saint John Parking Commission re 1985 operating budget.
34. Re Hilyard Street Extension (City Manager).
35. Re 1985 grant requests (City Manager).
36. Re water rate increase budget approval (City Manager).
37. Re property on Belgrave Street, Josip Dobrotic (City Manager).
38. Lord Beaverbrook Rink Citizens Committee re revenue and expenses.
39. Re cabooseless trains (City Manager).
40. Re North/South Arterial (City Manager)
41. Re agreement to sell land, 61 Manners Sutton Road (City Manager).
42. Re 1985 Saint John Bicentennial (City Manager).
43. Re Brodie building (City Manager).
44. Re Power Commission substation, Union Street (City Manager).
45. Re Phoenix Restorations, 47 Princess Street (City Manager).
46. Re Admiral Beatty Hotel (City Manager - available Monday).
47. Re Recreation and Parks Department (City Manager - available Monday).
48. Re scheduling of meetings re executive search consultants.