1984-11-05_Agenda AGENDA COMMON COUNCIL - as at November 2, 1984. 1. Meeting called to order, 4:00 p.m., November 5 - prayer. 2. Confirmation of minutes (October 29). 3. Mayor's remarks. 4. Re 1985 Great Canadian Participaction Challenge (Mayor Wayne). 5. payment of invoices. 6. Report re tender for temporary roof support, City Market. 7. Report re tender for sand and gravel. 8. Bid report re printing of recreation calendars. 9. Re request of Super Slide Ltd. to operate canteen concession at Rockwood Park. 10. Re Mrs. E. McCutcheon's letter re storage at 77 Glen Road. 11. Re request of Reverend R. S. Morrisey to place memorial on gravesite. 12. Re $6 million bond issue, N.B. Municipal Finance Corporation. 12A. Re contract 84-14, Somerset Street pump station. CITY MANAGER CITY SOLICITOR 13. Re parking at Saint John Airport. COMMITTEES 14. Committee of the Whole report (October 29) - (1) re'sale of Beaconsfield Fire Station property and (2) re offer of }~. Malcolm Baxter to sell property, Loch Lomond watershed. 15. Planning Advisory Committee - re assent to subdivision plan of Edward and Marsha Saltzman re proposed widening of Francis Street. 16. Planning Advisory Committee - re proposed Zoning By-Law amendment re signage. 17. The Saint John 1985 Canada Summer Games Society, Inc. - October 1984 report. 18. Board of Trustees of Civic Employees' Pension Plan - re preparation of bill to Legislature concerning pension increase for spouses. GENERAL 19. Application of Debly Construction Ltd. for re-zoning .of property on Loch Lomond Road. 20. Re petition of Central Business Development Corporation for business improvement area. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 21. 6:30 p.m. - Saint John Parking Commission re 1985 budget. 22. Re stimulation grant (Mayor Wayne). 23. Re private roads (Councillor Vaughan). 24. Grants Advisory Board - re grant applications for civic-sponsored conventions and receptions. 25. The Market Square Corporation - Parking Garage Quarterly Report. 26. Re labour negotiations (City Manager). 27. Re payment of invoices of Woods Gordon (City Manager). 28. Re rental of space at 42 Princess Street, Saint John Branch of Canadian Mental Health Association (City Manager). 29. Re request of Caton Development Limited for extension of option re 50 Princess Street (Ci ty Manager). 30. Re request of Housing Alternatives to purchase property on Metcalf Street (City Manager). 31. Re Hillcrest Village Inc. storm sewer extension (City Manager). 32. Re proposal call, Old City Hall building (City Manager). 33. Re brief to Task Force on Official Languages (City Manager).