COMMON COUNCIL - as at October 5, 1984.
1. Meeting called to order, 4:00 p.m., Tuesday, October 9 - prayer.
2. Confirmation of minutes (October 1).
3. Mayor's remarks.
Maritime Municipal Training Board projects (Mayor Wayne).
legal session procedure (Mayor Wayne).
comments at last Council meeting (Councillor A. Vincent).
7. Payment of invoices.
8. Payment of invoices of Saint John Iron Works Ltd. re repairs to Musquash pumping station.
9. Progress payment.
10. Report re tender for roof renovations, Reversing Falls Tourist Bureau.
11. Bid report re printing of tourist literature.
12. Re letter of agreement with Local 486 regarding computer operator-shift work.
13. Re bond issue, New Brunswick Municipal Finance Corporation.
14. Re request of Mr. Brian Holland for repairs to Sproule Road.
15. (a) Retender for demolition of buildings at 25-27 Golding Street.
(b) Letter from Mr. D. Logan offering to pay costs incurred by the City re demolition
of the above buildings.
(c) City Manager's letter re above.
16. Re Local 61 letter (available Tuesday).
17. Re penalty clause in equipment tender.
18. (a) Third reading of proposed Municipal Plan amendment re property at 59-63 Millidge
Avenue, as requested by Baxter Dairies Limited.
(b) Third reading of proposed Zoning By-Law amendment re above property.
19. Committee of the Whole report (October 1) - (1) re Sell Your City event, Toronto;
(2) re payment of invoice for exterior maintenance costs for Y~rket Square; (3) re
property on Greenhead Road; (4) re offer of Mr. William W. Black to sell property on
Loch Lomond Road; (5) re acquisition of property for McAllister Drive extension; (6)
re procedure for handling routine requests to Council; and (7) re proposed amendment
to Taxi By-Law.
20. Planning Advisory Committee re application of Mr~ Norman Smith for Municipal Plan
amendment and re-zoning of property at 43-45 Broad Street and 234-236 Sydney Street
(public hearing held October 1 - no readings given).
21. Letter from Project Ploughshares re Disarmament Week.
22. Request of Saint John "Riverboat" Classic for grant re major curling bonspiel.
23. Letters from Saint John Policemen's Protective Association, Local No. 61, C.U.P.E., re
(1) position of Chief of Police
(2) forthcoming contract negotiations
(3) press releases on matters of Pension Board Trustees; and
(4) newspaper statements re various actions of the Pension Board.
24. Letter from Mr. Eric L. Teed re resurfacing of Water Street.
25. Letter from Mr. Gordon L. Christensen re replacement of surveyor's pin at 85 Main Street.
26. Re Standard Investments Limited - expropriation (City Solicitor).
27. Re lease of portion of Site "D", Chesley Drive (City Manager).
28. Re Market Square exterior maintenance (City Manager).