COMMON COUNCIL - as at August 24, 1984.
1. Meeting called to order, 4:00 p.m., August 27 - prayer.
2. Confirmation of minutes (August 20).
3. Mayor's remarks.
4. Re amendments to Section 39 of Community Planning Act (Mayor Wayne).
5. Re letter from Jaycees re Vanier Award (Mayor Wayne).
SA. Re Community Revitalization Conference (Mayor Wayne).
6. Re Pension Board membership (Deputy Mayor Davis).
7. Progress payments.
8. Progress payment - City Centre Improvements.
9. Payment of invoice.
10. Bid report re printing of water bills (tabled August 20).
11. Re requisition approval.
12. Re newspaper vending boxes.
13. Re issuance of warrant, Mr. B. C. Carleton, Saint John Salvage Corps and Fire Police.
14. Re payment for legal services of McKelvey, Macaulay, Machum.
15. (a) Third reading of proposed Municipal Plan amendment re property at 46 Station Street,
as requested by John Beal & Co. Ltd. (1st and 2nd readings given August 20).
(b) Third reading of proposed Zoning By-Law amendment re above property (1st and 2nd
readings given August 20).
16. Re application for Municipal Plan amendment and re-zoning of property at 59-61-63
Millidge Avenue, as requested by Baxter Dairies Limited.
17. Re application for Municipal Plan amendment and re-zoning of Lot #1 at 234 Sydney
Street and Lot #2 at 39-45 Broad Street, as requested by Mr. Norman E. Smith.
18. Committee of the Whole report (August 20) - (1) re grants advisory board appointments;
(2) re offer of Mr. Norman Rose to sell property at 8-10 Haymarket Square; (3) re
infill housing project in South End; and (4) re offer and transportation of salt.
19. Planning Advisory Committee - re assent to subdivision plan re land for public purposes
and water line easement, Olsen's General Store, 1210 Loch Lomond Road.
20. (a) Planning Advisory Committee - re assent to subdivision plan and money in lieu of land
for public purposes, Manford M. Thompson, Crown Hill Road.
(b) Letter from Mr. Carl F. Gorham re above.
21. Report from The Participaction Steering Committee re Challenge of May 16, 1984.
22. Letter from Mrs. Elsie M. McCutcheon re storage garage at 77 Glen Road.
23. Petition from area residents re truck traffic, MacLaren Boulevard and Taylor Avenue area.
24. Letter from Partridge Island Research Project re national historic park development.
25. Letter from Libertarian Candidate for Saint John.
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COMMON COUNCIL - as at August 24, 1984.
26. Re municipal officers (City Solicitor).
27. Re property between Champlain Drive and Irving Oil Refinery (Mayor Wayne).
28. Re Norman Rose property at 8-10 Haymarket Square (City Solicitor).
29. Re Police Act (City Solicitor).
30. Re Carleton Kirk water supply (City Manager).
31. Re tag days (City Manager).
32. (a) Re bleachers for Papal Visit (City Manager).
(b) Re bleachers for Papal Visit (City Manager).
33. Re requests of Big Book Group and Unity Club for grant in lieu of rent (City Manager).
34. Re rental of space at York Warehouse, 320 Charlotte Street (City Manager).
35. Re repurchase option of property not developed within specified time frame (City Manager)
36. Re Harbourside Apartments (City Manager).
37. Re computer operator, shift work (City Manager).
38. Re executive search for Chief of Police (City Manager).
39. Re list of applicants for position of Chief of Police (City Manager).
40. Re penalty clause in equipment tender (City Manager).
41. Re rental of sweeper (City Manager).