COMMON COUNCIL -as at August 10 1984
1. Meeting called to order, 4:00 p.m., August 13- prayer.
2. Confirmation of minutes (August 7).
3. Mayor's remarks
4. Re Tag Days (Mayor Wayne).
5. Payment of invoices.
6. Progress Payment.
7. Report re tenders for chipsealing,Old Black River Road.
8. Re disabled parking, Traffic By-Law Amendment.
9. Re tender for demolition of building, 184 Britain Street.
10. Re Anti-Smoking By-Law
11. (a)
12. (a)
13. (a)
Third reading of proposed Municipal Plan amendment re property at
86-88 and 100-102 Waterloo Street, as requested by Fitzpatrick's Funeral
Service Ltd. (1st and 2nd readings given August 7)
Third reading of proposed Zoning By-Law amendment re above property
(1st and 2nd readings given August 7)
Third reading of proposed Municipal Plan amendment re property on
the northern side of Somerset Street to the rear of properties owned
by Brunswick Ready Mix Concrete Ltd. and Snowflake Lime Ltd, as requested
by Spectrum Enterprises Ltd. (1st and 2nd readings given August 7)
Third reading of proposed Zoning By-Law amendment re above property
(1st and 2nd readings given August 7)
Third reading of proposed Municipal Plan amendment re property'on
northern side of Golden Grove Road, approximately 1800 feet east of
the ChurchlandRoad intersection, as requested by Malcolm O. Cosman
(1st and 2nd readings given August 7)
(b) Letter from Planning Advisory Committee re above amendment.
(c) Third reading of proposed Zoning By-Law amendment re above property
(1st and 2nd readings given August 7)
14. Saint John Port Development Commission re stevedore member on Port Commission.
15. Letter from Carleton Kirk Complex Inc. re inadequate water supply for fire protection.
16. Request from Duschenes & Fish re further time extension for construction of
building at 21-23 Coburg Street by Dr. Vincent T. W. Shannon
17. Request from "The Globe and Mail" to place an additional fifty newspaper street
corner boxes on city streets.
18. Letter from Lower Cove Housing Co-operative Ltd. re parking space for buildings
at corner of St. James and Prince William Streets.
19. Re J. C. MacKinnon appeal
20. 6:30-p.m~ - Presentation of grievance by Saint John Policemen's Protective
Association, Local 61, C.U.P.E., re Statutory Holidays.
21. Re Tattoo 200 (Mayor Wayne).
2l.A Re Re method of selecting:holiday-relief fire fighters (Mayor Wayne - verbal)
22; Re grant request from United Way of Greater Saint John Inc.
23. Re Local 771 - Grievance First Alarm Response (Legal Dept.)
24. (a) Letter from Mr. John "H.. Johnson, Building Inspector, re Standards Officer.
(b) Re Standards Officer (City Manager)
25. Letter from The Market Square Corporation re Parking Garage quarterly report.
26. Letter from Saint John Port Development Commission re Freedom of the City.
27. Re application for grant assistance from Maritime Branch Canadian Postmasters and
Assistants Association (City Manager).
rr/ /
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28. Re
29. Re
30. Re
3l. Re
32. Re
33. Re
34. Re
35. Re
36. Re
COMMON COUNCIL - as at August 10, 1984.
application for grant assistance from Saint John Foster Parents' Assoc. (City Mgr)
Lot B, Crown Street, Downey's Ltd. (City Manager).
Ritchie Building, 50 Princess Street (City Manager).
proposal for Carnegie building (City Manager).
position of Chief of Police (City Manager - available Monday).
Grandview Avenue Industrial Park drainage problems (City Manager).
employee mileage claims (City Manager).
Saint John Aquatic Commission Act (City Manager).
J. C. MacKinnon ( City Manager - available Monday).