COMMON COUNCIL - as at July 13, 1984.
1. Meeting called to order, 4:00 p.m., July 16 - prayer.
2. Confirmation of minutes (July 9).
3. Mayor's remarks.
4. Payment of invoices.
5. Payment of invoice of Mount Stephen Club re Saint John Port Day in Montreal, P.Q.
6. Re acceptance of performance bond for rehabilitation of gravel pit, Latimer Lake Road.
7. Re Saint John Harbour Bridge Authority meeting.
8. Re 1984 dust control program.
9. Re offer of Robert and Carol Duval to sell property on Red Head Road.
10. Re request of Mr. Daniel Large to purchase property on Woodhaven Drive.
11. Re steam trucks near Exhibition Park.
12. Re request of Super Slide Ltd. to operate ice cream parlour at Rockwood Park.
13. Re proposed new Building By-Law.
16. (a) Third reading of proposed Municipal Plan amendment re property at 4105 Loch Lomond
Road, as requested by Airport General Store Ltd. (1st and 2nd readings given July 3).
(b) Third reading of proposed Zoning By-Law amendment re above property (1st and 2nd
readings given July 3).
17. Re application of John Beal & Co. Ltd. for Municipal Plan amendment and re-zoning of
property at 46 Station Street.
18. Planning Advisory Committee re application of McGrath's Step'N Style to amend conditions
of re-zoning of property at 671 Charles Street.
19. The Saint John 1985 Canada Summer Games Society, Inc. - June 1984 report.
20. Letter from Saint John Harbour Bridge Authority re meeting with Council.
21. Request of Mr. Thomas E. Ferris to place mobile home on property on Churchland Road.
22. Request of Youth With A Mission for grant assistance re trip to Los Angeles.
23. Letter from Mr. Alexander P. Gregory re rights of a Squire of the City.
24. Request of Saint John Heritage Trust Inc. for extension on use of proposed parking space
at Chipman Hill properties.
25. Letter from Mr. Patrick Roy re his request to operate a taxi business, Ludlow Street.
26. Letter from Mrs. Kathleen Carr re problem caused by septic tanks on Acamac Beach Road.
27. Discussion with Mr. E. N. McKelvey, Q.C.
28. Letter from solicitor for Mr. William R. Tippett re property at 19 St. Andrews Street.
29. Re procedures for insurance claims (Mayor Wayne).
30. 7:00 p.m. - Mr. D. M. Fletcher, The Rocca Group Market Square Development Limited,
re proposed sculpture, Market Square.
31. Re Chipman Hill Parking Garage (Mayor Wayne - verbal).
32. Re Bastarache Report (Mayor Wayne - verbal).
33. Re Power Commission sub-committee (Mayor Wayne).
34. Re blasting on Somerset Street Extension (Councillor Gould).
35. Nominating Committee Report. "
36. Letter from Saint John City Hall Employees' Local 486, C.U.P.E. re arbitration of
grievance re insurance co-ordinator position.
37. Re 135 Elliott Row (Legal Department).
38. Re 135 Elliott Row (City Manager).
39. Re application for grant assistance of N.B. Wildlife Federation (City Manager).
40. Re grievance of Saint John Fire Fighters' Association, Local Union No. 771, re
agreement with Grand Bay (City Manager).
41. Re City Manager's spending limit and City purchasing (City Manager).
42. Re additional position, Housing and Renewal Services Branch (City Manager).
43. Re Fort Howe Blockhouse (City Manager).
44. Re aquatic centre pedway (City Manager).
45. Re Kennington Street and Lakewood Avenue extension (City Manager).
46. Re pedlars and hawkers (City Manager).
47. Re hiring of personnel, Federal and Provincial make-work projects (City Manager).
48. Re position of Executive Director, Port Development Commission (City Manager).
49. Re pumping station, Somerset Street (City Manager).
50. Re 40-44 St. James Street (City Manager).
51. Re Sobeys Limited, Catherwood Street (City Manager).
52. Re Woods and Gordon search for Chief of Police (City ~mnager).
53. Re South End infill housing (City Manager - available Monday).