COMMON COUNCIL - as at June 8, 1984.
1. Meeting called to order, 7.00 p.m., June 11 - prayer.
2. Confirmation of minutes (May 28).
3. Mayor's remarks.
7:00 p.m.
- Public presentation of a proposed Municipal Plan amendment to reclassify
a parcel of land located at 46 Station Street from High Density Residential
to Heavy Industrial classification, to allow re-zoning of the parcel
from "B-2" General Business to "1-2" Heavy Industrial classification,
which will permit the continued operation of a new and used goods business
and also permit the issuance of a salvage dealer's license, as requested
by John Beal & Co. Ltd.
5. 7:15 p.m. - Presentation by Saint John Central Business Development Corporation re
proposed starting date for Charlotte Street improvements.
6. 7:30 p.m. - Presentation by Saint John Preservation Review Board re Trinity Royal
Streetscape Study.
7. Re removal of overhead power lines, Magazine Street (Mayor Wayne).
8. Re forthcoming Royal Visit to New Brunswick (Councillor Poley).
9. Re proposal for second nuclear generator at Point Lepreau (Councillor Knibb).
10. Re Canadian Association for the Social Studies reception (Councillor Knibb).
10A.Re civic centre or sportsplex facility (Councillor Murray).
11. Re Market Square additional funding agreements.
12. Payment of invoices.
13. Re release of holdback, Rockwo~d(Court electrical contract.
14. Re purchase of replacement parts, Hazen Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant.
15. Report re tenders for Somerset Street watermain.
16. Report re bids for purchase of water meters.
17. Re Canada Works Project Agreement for statistical research data project.
18. Re delegates to 1984 C.P.R.A. conference.
19. Re hiring of Police constables.
20. Re application for grant assistance for newspaper publication.
21. Re sale of property, corner of Ridge and Ellerdale Streets.
22. Re sale of freehold interest, 64 St. John Street to Mr. Reginald Daigle.
23. Report re tenders for sale of camp and furnishings, Second Loch Lomond Lake.
24. Listing of invoices paid during months of March and April, 1984.
25. Re tenders for demolition of garage and stairs, 13-15 Wellington Row.
26. Re request for easement re encroachment of building at 113 Milford Road.
27. Re Charlotte Street reconstruction.
27A.Re property, 8-10 Haymarket Square.
28. (a) Third reading of proposed Municipal Plan amendment re property at 113 Adelade
Street, as requested by Mr. William Oliver (1st & 2nd readings given May 28).
(b) Third reading of proposed Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone said property
(1st & 2nd readings given May 28).
29. Re application of Fitzpatrick's Funeral Services Ltd. for Municipal Plan amendment and
re-zoning of property at 86-88 and 100-102 Waterloo Street.
30. Re application of Spectrum Enterprises Ltd. for Municipal Plan amendment and re-zoning
of property located at Somerset Street Extension.
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COMMITTEES - as at June 8, 1984.
31. Committee of the Whole report (May 28) - (1) grant request, N. B. Amateur Speed Skating
Association; (2) re user fees for ballfields; (3) request of Mr. Paul LaPointe to lease
property, Loch Lomond Road; (4) re easement at 137 Mount Pleasant Avenue; (5) grant
request, Saint John Heart Club (1983); (6) appointment to Board of Directors, Centracare;
and (7) proposal for Lot 78-2, Chesley Drive.
32. 1983 Annual Report of The City of Saint John Pension Plan.
33. 1983 Annual Report of the Saint John Parking Commission.
34. Planning Advisory Committee re Saint John Marina Ltd., Westfield Road.
35. Planning Advisory Committee re request of Doug's Auto Body, 187 Golden Grove Road
for permission to erect sign.
36. Planning Advisory Committee re temporary mobile home application of Mrs. L. Hinkley,
Anthony's Cove Road.
37. Planning Advisory Committee re assent to subdivision plan, North Market Wharf.
38. Letter from the Saint John Bicentennial Inc. re official tree.
39. Request of Co-Op Atlantic to purchase property between Taylor Avenue and Anglin Drive.
40. Letter from Saint John Medical Society re smoking by-law.
41. Letter from Mrs. Georgina Johnson re problems in Milford area.
42. Request of Mr. Daniel Large to purchase property, Woodhaven Drive.
43. Letter from Atlantic National Exhibition re letter from Saint John Council of Women.
44. Request of Messrs. Michael McDonald and Jeff Daley to operate newsstand outside City
45. Liquor Licensing Board notices re hearings of applications of J. J. & S Holdings Ltd.;
Saint John Bowlarama; and Carleton Curling Club Ltd.
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LEGAL SESSION - as at June 8, 1984.
46. Re demolition cost of property, 40-44 St. James Street. (City Solicitor)
46A. Re Kierstead Trailer Park unpaid water and sewerage accounts (City Solicitor).
47. 4:00 p.m. - Dr. Ben A. Silverberg - explanation of polygraph testing and
interpretation of results.
48. 4.15 p.m. - Presentation by Market Square Corporation re additional funding agreements.
49. 4:30 p.m. - Presentation by Saint John Youth Hostel Association re grant request.
SO. 5:00 p.m.
- Presentation of grievance by Saint John Fire Fighters' Association,
Local Union No. 771, re proposed changes in Mutual Aid Program with
Grand Bay.
51. 5:30 p.m. - Slide presentation by Partridge Island Research Project.
52. Re proposed proclamation (Mayor Wayne).
53. Re parking by employees on property, Leinster Street (Councillor Poley).
54. Council Finance Committee re call for banking proposals.
55. Re request of Atlantic Association of Broadcasters for financial assistance.
56. Letter from Saint John Policemen's Protective Association withdrawing request to
meet with Council re existing vacancies within Police Department establishment.
57. Saint John Parking Commission re Chipman Hill parking garage.
58. Letter from Commissioner of Engineering and Works.
59. Re naming of Jeux Canada Games facilities (Commissioner of Finance).
60. Re Unconditional Grant formula (Commissioner of Finance).
61. Re discipline regulation - Police Act (City Solicitor).
62. Re Board of Trustees of the Lord Beaverbrook Rink at Saint John, Inc. (City Solicitor).
63. Re offer of Betty Martin to sell property on Main Street (City Manager).
64. Progress report re Beaconsfield fire station property (City Manager).
65. Re conditions of sale of property, 154 Prince William Street, to Anderson-McTague
(City Manager).
66. Re request of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Doyle to purchase strip of land adjoining their
property on Eden Street (City Manager).
67. Report re unused City-owned land (City Manager).
68. Re exterior maintenance, Market Square (City Manager).
69. Application for grant re National Conference '84 for Canadian Parents for French
(City Manager).
70. Re Charlotte Street reconstruction, detour measures (City Manager).
71. Police Department reports (City Manager - available Monday).
72. Nominating Committee report.
73. Re comparison of parking garage expenses (City Manager).