COMMON COUNCIL - as at May 11, 1984.
1. Meeting called to order, 7:00 p.m., May 14 - prayer.
2. Confirmation of minutes (May 4 and 7).
3. Mayor's remarks.
4. Re dates of Council meetings.
5. Re Saint John Marina, Ketepec (Councillor Flewwelling).
6. Report re tenders for towing and storage of vehicles.
7. Bid report re replacement parts for aerator units, Lancaster Waste Water Treatment Plant.
8. Re application for grant assistance from New Brunswick Speed Skating Association.
9. Re request of Preservation Review Board for Trinity Royal designation signage.
10. Re Super Slide Ltd. - operation of gift shop and garbage removal at waterslide site.
11. Re Housing Commission - release of holdback to Shamrock Construction Ltd.
12. Re demolition cost recovery.
13. Third reading of proposed Traffic By-Law amendment re parking on Duke Street Central
(1st and 2nd readings given May 7).
14. Committee of the Whole report (May 7) - (1 and 2) Nominating Committee recommendations
re appointments to committees; and (3) re Council attendance at F.C.M.
15. Planning Advisory Committee - 1983 Annual Report of Planning Branch.
16. Letter from Mr. Paul Henderson re location of Church Avenue Overpass.
17. Letter from Saint John Presbytery-United Church of Canada re rental cost of space
occupied by United Church Clothing Depot at 39 Princess Street.
18. Letter from Alexandra Senior Citizens re waterproofing public steps at Cunard and Main
Streets to provide minimum bus shelter.
19. Letter from Saint John Stumprunners (Four-Wheel Drive Club) re "4x4 Events Day", July 22.
20. Request of Mr. Reginald Daigle to purchase property at rear of 64 St. John Street West.
21. Request of Mr. Lionel Hinkley to place a mobile home on property at Anthony's Cove.
22. Request of Mr. ~ou~las Mitton for removal of restrictions to re-zoning of property at
187 Golden Grove9fo permit placement of a sign thereon.
23. Request of Palmer, O'Connell, Leger, Guerette, solicitors for The Hardman Group Limited,
Managers of Prince Edward Square Mall and Apartment Building, for amendment to Site
Development Plan of May 8, 1972 to allow for the erection of three signs.
24. Letter and petition from residents of Millidgeville Estates, Somerset Park and Tartan
Street re problems caused by blasting on the northern side of Somerset Street extension.
25. Letter and petition from residents of Saint John West re W.A.C. Excavators premises.
26. Request of Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Doyle to purchase property parallel to 79 Eden Street.
27. Letter from Saint John College Development Inc. re status of proposal respecting review
of Deutsch report and assess role of University in community.
Page 2.
COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE - as at May 11, 1984.
28. 5:30 p.m. - Presentation of union grievance by Canadian Union of Public Employees, Local
Union No. 18, re articles 1.01, 4.01, 15.01, and others.
29. 5:45 p.m. - Presentation of grievance by Canadian Union of Public Employees, Local No.18,
on behalf of Brian Jacquart.
30. 6:00 p.m. - Presentation of grievance by Canadian Union of Public Employees, Local No.18,
on behalf of Roy Nolan.
31. Re Police Commission (Mayor Wayne).
32. Re Canada Games venues (Mayor Wayne).
33. Re renewal of guarantee, Cherry Brook Zoo.
34. Request of Saint John Fire Fighters' Association, Local Union No. 771, for grievance
hearing re Mutual Aid Agreement with Grand Bay Fire Department.
35. Re request for financial assistance for Acadian Festival (tabled May 7).
36. Re vacation leave (City SOlicitor).
37. Re visitor parking validation (City Manager).
38. Re 26th Battalion monument, Market Slip (City Manager).
39. Re former Beaconsfield Fire Station, Lancaster Avenue (City Manager).
40. Re request of New Brunswick Division of The Canadian Red Cross Society for improvements
to site adjacent to new Headquarters building on University Avenue (City Manager).
41. Re lessor's interest, 119 Mecklenburg Street (City Manager).
42. Re former Police Station, Manawagonish Road (City Manager).
43. Re Acadia Contractors, Simms Street property (City Manager).
44. Re application for grant assistance of Letter Carriers Union of Canada, Local 6,
Saint John (City Manager).
45. Re parking meter violations - validation tickets (City Manager).
46. Re infill housing, South End of City (City Manager).
47. Re Maria Richard - property on St. James and Watson Streets (City Manager).
48. Re rental of space in City Market building (City Manager).
49. Re Ritchie building (City Manager).
50. Re rental of space in Old City Hall building (City Manager).
51. Re proposal of Fundy Yachts Ltd. for development of site adjacent to Millidge ferry
landing (City Manager).