1984-04-02_Agenda AGE N D A COMMON COUNCIL - as at March 30, 1984. 1. Meeting called to ord r, 7:00 p.m., April 2 - prayer. 2. Confirmation of minut s. 3. Mayor's remarks. 3A. Presentation by Grade 9 boys of Beaconsfield School of desk penholders, which were made as a Bicentennia project. 4. 7:00 p.m. - (a) Propo ed Zoning By-Law amendments to correct minor matters in the recen ly-enacted new Zoning By-Law. (b) Previ us letter from Planning Advisory Committee re proposed amendments. 5. 7:00 p.m. - (a) Propo 9,250 of Ro Cemet now 0 Indus by Me ed Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone a parcel of land containing square feet with a frontage of 50 feet on the southeastern side hesay Avenue, being a small portion of the land owned by Fernhill ry Company Limited and adjoining the northeastern side of property formerly occupied by Medjucks, from "P" Park to "I-I" Light rial classification, to permit the land to be used for parking jucks, as requested by Fernhill Cemetery Company Limited. (b) Lette from Planning Advisory Committee re proposed amendment. 6. 7:15 p.m. - Presentat.on by Saint John Preservation Review Board of 1983 annual report. 7. 7:30 p.m. - Presentat'on by Dr. J. A. MacDougall re possible closure of The Dr. William Roberts H spital School. 8. 7:45 p.m. - Presentat'on by Saint John Environment Committee re proposed by-law regulatin smoking in enclosed public places. 9. Re possible relocatio of Federal Supply & Services Department to Moncton (Mayor Wayne). 10. Re Nominating Committ e appointments (Councillor Poley). 11. Re Council meeting ag ndas (Councillor Poley). CITY MANAGER 12. List of payments made during January and February 1984. 13. Progress payment. 14. Report re tenders for safety supplies. 15. Report re tenders for niform clothing. 16. Re application for gr t assistance from Saint John Insurance Women's Association. 17. Re parking restriction on Dufferin Avenue. 18. Re proposed justice co plex. 19. Re payment to Dr. R. C anteloup, eommunity Services Feasibility Study. 20. Re Saint John Cooperat ve Supply Depot. 21. Re Kelson & Kelson Ltd , water and sewerage bill. CITI SOLICITOR 22. Re regulations to cont 01 dog fouling on property. 23. Committee of the Whole property at corner of Jecmenica to sell prop continuation of overhe Simms Street; and (5) The Saint John Canada COMMITTEES report (March 26) - (1) re request of Mr. P.J. Martin to purchase aynes Beach and Dominion Park Roads; (2) re offer of Mr. L. rty on Rockland Road; (3) re request of Mr. L. Batten for d facilities; (4) re proposal for purchase of property on e property at 61 Manners Sutton Road. ummer Games Society, Inc. re track and field venue at UNBSJ. 24. 27. 28. Request of Saint John Council Chamber. Request of Dr. Vincent 21-23 Coburg Street. Request of Leander & C Noti ces from Liquor Li Limited for dining roo Vasilious Lyberatos fo and Grandview Avenue, GENERAL hapter of the Civil Liberties Association to hold lecture in 25. 26. T. W. Shannon for extension to repurchase option re property miles Dempsey to retain mobile home on property on Churchland Road ensing Board re hearing of applications of Market Square Hotel , lounge and special premises (recreational) licenses, and restaurant license with respect to premises at 1 Smythe Street espectively. . . Page 2. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE - as at March 30, 1984. 29. 5:00 p.m. Presentation of grievance by Saint John Fire Fighters' Association, Local Union No. 771 re adjustment procedure. 30. Nominating Committee report. 31. Board of Trustees of the Civic Employees's Pension Plan re proposed amendments to Pension Act. 32. Correspondence from FCM re 47th Annual Conference, Winnipeg, Manitoba, June 3 to 7. 33. Letter from Saint John Heritage Trust Inc. re Ritchie building. 34. Re application of East Suburban Little League for grant assistance. 35. Re Chief of Police (tabled March 26). 36. Re City Market renovations (tabled March 26). 37. Re fire protection agreement with Grand Bay (City Manager} 38.Re merit increases (City Manager). 39. Re request of Mr. Wayne Doucette to purchase property at Tisdale Place (City Manager). 40. Re Seaman's Mission building (City Manager). 41. Re request of Saint John Heart Club for grmlt assistance (City Manager). 42. Re Lloyd Paul's inquiry re walkway adjacent to 39 Lakewood Avenue (City Manager). 43. Re Ritchie building (City Manager - available Monday). 44. Re official flag. 45. Re Council meeting week of April 22.