1984-03-26_Agenda .... I COMMON COUNCIL - as at March 23, 1984. AGE N D A 1. Meeting called to order, 4:00 p.m., March 26 - prayer. 2. Confirmation of minutes (March 19). 3. Mayor's remarks. 4. Re status of new Justice complex (Mayor Wayne). 5. Re policy for provision of promotional material (Council,lor Vaughan). 6. Re reduction in bus service (Councillor M. Vincent I 6A. Re fire lane off Park Avenue (Councillor Flewwelling). 9. 10. 7. 8. CITY MANAGER I Progress payment - City Centre Improvements. L Re payment of invoice of Appraisals (Fundy) Ltd. for apPI.Laisal of Lot liD", South Market Wharf. I Re tender for lawn mowers (tabled March 19). ; Re City Centre Improvements - Contract CCI #20, Waterfrort Boardwalk - Phase 2 (tabled March 19 - see also item #31). I Re application of East Suburban Little League for grant iassistance. Re Canada Ports Corporation leases - Courtenay Bay Caus~ay. Progress payment. i Re relocation of utilities, Church Avenue grade separation. Report re tenders for tire spreader. Notice of motion re bond issue. Re repairs to front-end loader. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. l6A. 17. CITI SOLICITOR Re Environment Committee's request for by-law enactment .re fouling of property by dogs. i COMMON CLERK I Third reading of proposed Municipal Plan amendment re Ploperty at 278 Charlotte Street as requested by Regal Wholesale Ltd. (1st and 2nd readi gs given March 19). (a) Third reading of proposed Municipal Plan amendment e property at 326 Union Street as requested by Crowe's Auto Body Shop (1st and 2nd readings given March 19). (b) Third reading of proposed Zoning By-Law amendment' r~ above (1st and 2nd readings given March 19). ~I Third reading of proposed Zoning By-Law amendment re pr perty off Mount Pleasant Avenue as requested by Full Gospel Assembly (1st and 2nd readi gs given March 19). I COMMITTEES I Committee of the Whole report (March 19) - (1) re proPotd Zoning By-Law amendment to increase maximum size of freestanding signs and to prov de for church directional signs; (2) re request for grant, Telephone Pioneers of ; erica; (3) re grants to acquire vacant land or deteriorated buildings; (4) re applicati n of Unity Club for grant; (5) re rental of space in Brodie building; and (6) re s le of property at corner of Ridge Rowand Island View Drive. ; Planning Advisory Committee re report of Housing Polici s Committee. Planning Advisory Committee re proposed subdivision, Ra ged Point Road, Ragged Point Recreational Inc. i Planning Advisory Committee re proposed subdivision, Mrj James Kirkpatrick, 2740 Golden Grove Road. i Board of Trustees, Civic Employees' Pension Plan re retlrement of Mr. David MacFarland. Saint John Environment Committee re 1985 Canada Summer ~ames/lrving Pulp & Paper Mill. Saint John Preservation Review Board re presentation ofl1983 annual report. I GENERAL I Letter from Mike Landers, M.P., re Maritime Freight Ratts Act and Atlantic Region Freight Assistance Act. Letter from Rev. H. Allan Whittaker re property taxes. I Letter from Rhonda Rumson re reduction of bus service. I Letter from Lundrigans Construction Limited re ContractlCCI #20, Waterfront Boardwalk - Phase 2. I Letter from Maria Richard re subdivision of 518 Watson ttreet. Request of Mr. Wayne C. Doucette to purchase Tisdale PI ceo Letter from Kelson & Kelson Ltd. re water and sewerage ill. Letter from Citizens Committee re parking in area of Th}stle-St. Andrews Curling Club. I 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. I . Page 2. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE - as at March 23, 1984. 36. 6:30 p.m. - Presentation by Mr. Peter Milburn, Atlantic Mobile Signs, re sign regulations. 37. 7:00 p.m. - Presentation by Caton Developments Ltd. re Ritchie building. 38. Letter from Saint John Heritage Trust Inc. re Ritchie building. 39. Letter from Saint John Horticultural Association re operational grant. 40. Re City-owned property at 61 Manners Sutton Road (City Solicitor). 41. Letter from Acting Chief of Police re taxi license reinstatement applicant. 42. Re visitor and convention bureau (City Manager - tabled March 19). 43. Re Fire Protection Agreement with Grand Bay (City Manager). 44. Re replacement of Police garage door (City Manager). 45. Re City car in Chance Harbour (City Manager). 46. Re query of Clark, Drummie & Company respecting property on Morris Street (City Manager). 47. Re request of Mr. P. J. Martin to purchase property on Raynes Beach Road (City Manager). 48. Re offer of W & S Contractors Ltd. to purchase property on Simms Street (City Manager). 49. Re official flag (City Manager). 50. Re aquatic centre legislation (City Solicitor). 51. Re offer of Mr. L. Jecmenica to sell property on Rockland Road (City Manager). 52. Re four-year operating budget (City Manager). 53. Re Charitable Grants Act, proposed changes to tax structure (City Manager). 54. Re Chief of Police (City Manager). 55. Re lots 4 and 5 Greenhead Road (City Manager). 56. Re Environment Committee - Mosquito Cove (City Manager)~ 57. Re extension of utilities, Ragged Point Road (City Manager). 58. Re City Market renovations (City Manager). 59. Re merit increases (City Manager - available Monday). , 60. Re P.A.I. (City Manager - verbal).