COMMON COUNCIL - as at February 24, 1984.
1. Meeting called to order, 4:00 p.m., February 27 - prayer.
2. Confirmation of minutes (February 20).
3. Mayor's remarks.
4. Re signage restrictions (Councillor Knibb).
5. Progress payment.
6. Re Canada Ports Corporation leases.
7. Re winter and summer maintenance agreement - Provincial highways.
8. Re Water Street office building site.
9. Re site "L", corner of Metcalf Street and Lansdowne Avenue.
10. Re ambulance grant.
lOA. Proposed resolutions for FCM.
lOB. Re Residential Rehabilitation Assistance Program.
11. Re demolition judgment 49-53 Exmouth Street.
12. (a) Third reading of proposed Municipal Plan amendment re property at 341 Loch Lomond
Road, as requested by Mr. Ray Corscadden (1st and 2nd readings given February 20).
(b) Third reading of proposed Zoning By-Law amendment reabove (1st and 2nd readings
given February 20).
13. Third reading of proposed Zoning By-Law amendment re adding senior citizens housing to
list of permitted uses in Section 410(1)(a) and Section 420(1)(a) (1st and 2nd readings
given February 20).
14. Committee of the Whole recommendation re application of Saint John University Women's
Club for grant assistance (tabled February 13).
15. Committee of the Whole report (February 20) - (1) re application from Tourism New
Brunswick for grant assistance; and (2) re appointment to Board of Trustees of Civic
Employees' Pension Plan.
16. Planning Advisory Committee re proposed amendments to Zoning By-Law.
17. Saint John Tourism Advisory Committee - 1983 Annual Report.
18. Saint John Environment Committee re designation of an official Arbour Day for City.
19. Letter from Clark, Drummie & Company, solicitors for B & R Investments Ltd., requesting
Council's reconsideration of subdivision plan for property located on Rothesay Road
and Drury Cove Road.
20. Letter from Board of School Trustees, School District 20, re appointment of Mr. John L.
Nugent to Aquatic Centre Steering Committee.
21. Letter from Mr. J. H. Wilcox re City's inflation rate.
22. Letter from North End Family Housing Co-Operative Ltd. re building at 97 Victoria Street.
23. Letter from Mr. Ted Vasilopoulos expressing interest in purchasing property at corner of
Ridge Rowand Island View Drive.
24. Application of Fernhill Cemetery Company Limited for re-zoning of property on Rothesay
25. Request of The Saint John District Labour Council to present petition at this meeting
regarding reduction in transit service.
26. Letter from C.U.P.E. Local 813, Saint John Regional Hospital opposing reduction in
transit service.
Page 2.
COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE - as at February 24, 1984.
27. 6:30 p.m. - Presentation of grievance by Saint John City Hall Employees' Local 486,
C.U.P.E., re General Foreman posting.
28. 7:00 p.m. - Saint John Transit Commission re transit service reduction.
29. Re Loyalist Days German Bier Fest (Mayor Wayne).
30. Re specified and unspecified grants (Mayor Wayne).
31. Re City commissions (Mayor Wayne).
3lA. Re visit to Fredericton (Mayor Wayne - verbal).
32. Re New Brunswick Protestant Orphans' Home re terms of reference of aquatic centre
(Mayor Wayne).
33. Re mobile signage (Councillor Murray - verbal).
34. Re mobile sign regulations (Councillor Poley).
35. Nominating Committee report.
36. Letter from Saint John Fire Fighters' Association, Local Union No. 771, re situation with
Grand Bay Fire Department.
37. Request of M. Miraso1a and J. Scichilone for time extension of agreement re property at
Clover Court.
38. Re property at University and Millidge Avenue (City Manager - tabled February 20).
39. Re application for grant assistance from The Saint John Academy of the New Brunswick
Branch of the Canadian Society of Laboratory Technologists (City Manager).
40. Re 1984 establishment (City Manager).
41. Re rental increase, 34 Champlain Drive (City Manager).
42. Re aquatic centre pedway (City Manager).
43. Re report of Housing Policies Committee (City Manager).
44. Re request of Mr. E. Melanson to lease 271 Main Street (City Manager).
45. Re pole and anchor agreements, Mi1lidge Avenue (City Manager).
46. Re request of Mr. Oswald F. Chamberlain to purchase property near Baxter's Corner
(City Manager).
47. Re lease agreements, Canada Games facilities (City Manager).
48. Re Citation of Bravery (City Manager).
49. Re Council memberships (City Manager).
50. Re sale of land to Mr. Robert Chenier, 12 Webster Street (City Manager).
51. Re Reversing Falls Tourist Bureau (City Manager).
52. Re tourism promotional materials (City Manager).
53. Re Ritchie building (City Manager).
54. Re Visitor and Convention Bureau (City Manager).