COMMON COUNCIL - as at February 10, 1984.
1. Meeting called to order, 4:00 p.m., February 13 - prayer.
2. Confirmation of minutes (February 6).
3. Mayor's remarks.
4. List of payments made during December 1983.
5. Report re Canadian Parks and Recreation Association Conference.
6. Re repairs to Lancaster Arena compressor.
6A. Re grant of right-of-way, Royal Bank building.
7. (a) Proposed amendment to Plumbing By-Law re changes to licensing and permit fees.
(b) Letter from Saint John Mechanical Contractors Employers Association Inc. re above.
7A. Re demolition judgments.
8. Re application of Crowe's Auto Body Shop for Municipal Plan amendment and re-zoning of
property at 326 Union Street.
9. Re application of Regal Wholesale Ltd. for Municipal Plan amendment and re-zoning of
property at 278 Charlotte Street.
10. Committee of the Whole report (February 6) - (1) re request of Saint John University
Women's Club for grant assistance, (2 & 3) appointments to commissions, boards, and
(4) re request of Anna Kinsella to purchase property at 78 Craig Crescent.
11. Planning Advisory Committee re proposed Municipal Plan amendment and re-zoning of
a one hundred metre westerly extension to the Potash Terminal site, as requested by
Denison Mines Limited (Public Hearing held February 6; no readings given).
12. Letter from Minister of Transportation re North/South Arterial project.
13. Request of St. John's Stone Church to hold a Sunrise Service at Fort Howe on Easter a.TI
14. Request of The Canadian Corps of Commissionaires for rate increase for parking meter
IS. Letter from M. Hughes re reduction of City Transit service.
16. Letter from The Saint John District Labour Council re reduction of City Transit servicE
17. Application of Manford M. Thompson Construction Company Limited for re-zoning of formel
Provincial Hospital Annex property, Sand Cove Road.
18. Discussion re letter from B. Hancox concerning Exhibition Association.
19. Discussion re legal counsel advice (City Solicitor).
20. Report from City Manager (available Monday).
21. 6:30 p.m. - Hearing of appeal for re-instatement of taxi license.
22. 6:45 p.m. - Saint John Policemen's Protective Association, Local No. 61, C.U.P.E., re
report dealing with working conditions and/or wages.
23. Re 1985 budget (Councillor Schermerhorn).
24. Personnel Committee - operating terms of reference (Councillor M. Vincent).
25. Letter from Loyalist Days Inc. re hiring of secretary.
26. (a) Letter from Oriental Bazaar re lease termination at Market Square.
(b) Letter from The Rocca Group Market Square Development Limited re above.
27. Letter from Dr. V. Shannon re 20 and 26 Dorchester Street.
28. Letter from Young Associates Holdings Ltd. re property in Reversing Falls area.
29. Re application for grant assistance from Department of Tourism.
30. Re application for grant assistance from New Brunswick Federation of Snowmobile Clubs.
31. Re lease of space at 47 Princess Street to Phoenix Restorations (City Manager).
32. Re request of Mr. Leonard Duffy to purchase property off Summit Drive (City Manager).
33. Re request of Mr. Richard Ritchie to purchase property on Lakeview Drive (City Manager)
34. Re City Centre Improvements completion (City Manager).
35. Re Charlotte Street 1984 Capital Program (City Manager).