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COMMON COUNCIL - as at January 13, 1984.
1. Meeting called to order, 4:00 p.m., January 16 - prayer.
2. Confirmation of minutes (January 9).
3. Mayor's remarks.
4. Re report of Housing Policies Committee (Mayor Wayne) .
5. Re Provincially-designated highways (Councillor Poley).
6. Re public notification of by-law amendments (Councillor Poley).
7. Progress payments, City Centre Improvements.
8. Re proposed Standard Life sign, Chesley Place.
9. Re Market Square exterior signs.
10. Re Second Amending Agreement, North End Urban Renewal Project.
11. Re Christmas tree lots.
12. Re survey equipment.
13. Re ambulance service (tabled January 3).
l3A. Request for budget advance - Transit Commission and Trade and Convention Centre.
14. Third reading of proposed Traffic By-Law amendment with respect to parking on
Stanley Street (tabled January 9).
15. Committee of the Whole report (January 3) - (1 to 3) Nominating Committee recommendat.
re appointments to commissions, committees, etc.
16. Committee of the Whole report (January 9) - (1) re request of New Lease Inc. for gran"
(2) re request of Golden Glove Amateur Boxing Club for grant; (3) re request of Mr.
Robert Chenier to purchase property on Webster Street; (4) Nominating Committee
recommendation re appointment to commission; (5) re aquatic centre.
17. Planning Advisory Committee re assent to portion of proposed subdivision plan, James
and Dianne Whittaker Subdivision, Sandy Point Road.
18. Memorandum from Cities of New Brunswick Association re February 17-18 general meeting.
19. Request from Mr. Leonard Duffy to purchase property off Summit Drive.
20. Letter from Saint John Heritage Trust Inc. re designation of property at 1, 5 and 13
Prince William Street as preservation area.
21. Discussion re legal counsel (City Solicitor).
22. Discussion re letter from Mr. E. A. Shuve.
23. Discussion re pending arbitration (City Solicitor - verbal).
24. Re Municipal Administrative Program convention (Councillor Poley - verbal).
25. Re Visitor and Convention Bureau (Councillor Poley).
26. Report of Personnel Committee (Councillor M. Vincent).
27. Re Power Commission appointments.
28. Re request of Senior Aid and Research Inc. for grant assistance.
29. Re request of St. John Ambulance for grant assistance.
30. Saint John Port Development Commission - Quarterly Report October I-December 31, 1983.
31. Re Local 18 arbitration (City Manager).
32. Re enforcement of regulations in watershed area (City Manager).
33. Re waterslide at Rockwood Park (City Manager).
34. Re request of Mrs. Nancy M. Giddings to purchase property on Dexter Drive (City ManagE
35. (a) Re Mutual Aid Agreement with Village of Grand Bay (City Manager).
(b) Letter from Saint John Fire Fighters' Association, Local No. 771, re above.
36. Re Mil1idge Avenue properties (City Manager).