1984-01-09_Agenda ., ' AGE N D A COMMON COUNCIL - as at January 6, 1984. 1. Meeting called to order, 7:00 p.m., January 9 - prayer. 2. Confirmation of minutes (January 3). 3. Mayor's remarks. 4. 7:00 p.m. - Public presentation of a proposed Municipal Plan amendment to reclassify a parcel of land at 326 Union Street from Medium Density Residential to Light Industrial classification, to allow re-zoning of the parcel to "I-I" Light Industrial classification so that it could be used for an auto body shop, as requested by Crowe's Auto Body Shop. _ Public presentation of a proposed Municipal Plan amendment to reclassify two parcels of land, which together make up the western two-thirds of a City block located on the eastern side of Charlotte Street between Broad Street and Broadview Avenue, from Medium Density Residential to Light Industrial classification, to allow re-zoning of the parcels to Light Industrial classification consistent with the past use of the properties by Regal Wholesale Ltd., as requested by Regal Wholesale Ltd. 5. 7:00 p.m. 6. 7:40 p.m. - Mary Elizabeth Sandra Clayton, Mortgagor and Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada as represented by the Minister of Veteran's Affairs, Mortgagee, to appear to show cause why the building located at 9 Jardine Street should not be removed or destroyed as a dangerous or dilapidated building. 7. Re City Hall Art Gallery (Mayor Wayne). 8. Re New Brunswick Heart Foundation's proposal to establish emergency advisory council (Mayor Wayne). 9. Re invitation to a Dutch choir to visit City (Mayor Wayne). CITI MANAGER 10. Payment of invoice. 11. Progress payments. 12. Request for grant assistance of Senior Aid and Research Inc. 13. Request for grant assistance of St. John Ambulance. 14. Re proposed amendment to Parking Meter By-Law regarding voluntary penalty increase (See also item #21). 15. Re Super Slide Ltd. 's proposal to construct waterslides at Rockwood Park. 16. Re request for quit claim deed to property on Fairville Bouevard. CITI SOLICITOR 18. Third reading of proposed Traffic By-Law amendment with regard to parking on Stanley Street (1st and 2nd readings given January 3). COMMON CLERK 19. Re application of Mr. Ray Corscadden for Municipal Plan amendment and re-zoning of property at 341 Loch Lomond Road. 20. Re application of Desourdy Construction and Stephen Paving (1982) Ltd. for Municipal Plan amendment and re-zoning of property located north of Ashburn Road between Saint John Throughway and Rothesay Avenue. 21. Third reading of proposed Parking Meter By-Law amendment (tabled January 3). COMMITTEES 22. Committee of the Whole report (January 3) - (1) re enqulry of Saint John Branch of The Canadian Mental Health Association re courtyard at 42 Princess Street; (2) request of C.A.H.R.O. for financial assistance; (3) re request of New Brunswick Association of Marriage and Family Counselling for financial assistance; (4 to 10) Nominating Committee recommendations re appointments to commissions, boards, committees, etc. GENERAL 23. Letter from Garden Homes Holdings Inc. on behalf of residents of Tartan Street, Somerset Park, Sussex Drive and Millidge Avenue re water pressure problems in area. 24. Letter from The Saint John District Labour Council submitting list of names for consideration as committee appointments. 25. Letter from Barry, O'Neil & Company, Solicitors, re The Central Trust Company of Canada vs the City of Saint John. . ~ , , Page 2. LEGAL SESSION - as at January 6, 1984. 26. Discussion re letter from McLellan, Allaby & Holland, Solicitors for MacKay Forest Products Limited. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 27. 4:00 p.m. - Presentation by Housing Policies Committee. 28. 5:00 p.m. - Presentation by Mr. M. Somervi 11 e , Economic Development Counci 1. 29. 6:00 p.m. - Presentation by The Saint John Bicentennial Inc. re Tattoo 200-1984. 30. Re Canada Summer Games pool (Mayor Wayne - verbal). 31. Report re Police boots (Councillors Poley and Schermerhorn - verbal). 32. Nominating Committee report (available Monday). 33. Re request of New Lease Inc. for financial assistance. 34. Re request of Golden Glove Amateur Boxing Club for financial assistance (City Manager). 35. Re request of Unity Club for financial assistance (City Manager). 36. Re management of Canada Games Aquatic Centre (City Manager). 37. Re offer of Mr. D. Dow to purchase property at 580 Milford Road (City Manager). 38. Re Lester property at 291 Simpson Drive (City Manager). 39. Re request of Mr. Robert Chenier to purchase property at 12 Webster Street (City Manager). 40. Re Local 61, grievance hearings (City Manager). 41. Re City Hall Art Gallery (City Manager).