1982-07-26_Agenda - AGE N D A COMMON COUNCIL - as at July 23rd, 1982. 1. Meeting called to order, 7:00 p.m., July 26th - prayer. 2. Confirmation of minutes (July 12th). 3. Mayor's remarks. 4. 7:00 p.m. - (a) Proposed Zoning By-Law amendment to repeal the existing regulations pertaining to signs and substituting a new set of regulations. (b) Letter from Planning Advisory Committee re proposed amendment. 5. 7:40 p.m. - Clare Veronica Eileen Batson to appear to show cause why the building located at 230 St. James Street West should not be removed or destroyed as a dangerous or dilapidated building. 6. 8:00 p.m. - Presentation on behalf of Canadian Pacific Express & Transport Ltd. re truck routes. CITY MANAGER 7. Payment of invoices. 8. Progress payment, City Centre Improvements. 9. Re Stimulation Grant Agreement. 10. Re road improvement fees, Anthony's Cove Road. 11. Report re tenders for water materials. 12. Report re tenders for City Centre Improvements, masonry and tile sidewalk finishes. 13. Report re tenders for City Centre Improvements, Smythe Street North, Union Street West. 14. Re City Market rental, Mr. Gordon Henderson. 15. Re concrete and asphaltic concrete inspection for 1982. 16. Re Wright Street reconstruction. CITY SOLICITOR 17. Third reading of Traffic By-Law amendment re Prince William Street (1st and 2nd readings given June 28th) 18. Re expropriation of land, 58 Dock Street, .Herman Schroder et al. 19. Re amendment to Municipalities Act. COMMON CLERK 20. (a) Third reading of Municipal Plan By-Law amendment to reclassify property situated on the west side of Millidge Avenue, between 63 Millidge Avenue and Valerie Street (1st and 2nd readings given July 12th). (b) Third reading of Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone property at 71 and 87 Millidge Avenue (1st and 2nd readings given July 12th). COMMITTEES 21. Committee of the Whole Report (July 12th). 22. Land Committee re rental of space, 320 Charlotte Street, Maritime Insulation Ltd. 23. Land Committee re purchase of property, Loch Lomond Road, Miss Jean Johnston. 24. Land Committee re purchase of property, (Second) Loch Lomond Lake, Mr. Edwin McLaggan. 25. Land Committee re purchase of property, 268 Duke Street, The Saint John Foundation. 26. Report of The Grand Bay-Saint John Fire Protection Review Committee. GENERAL 27. Letter from Minister of Justice re extended Police. jurisdiction. 28. Request of the New Brunswick Branch of The United Empire Loyalists' Association of Canada for civic breakfast during its Annual Convention in June 1983. 29. Letter from C.O.I.L. (Housing) Inc. re traffic light and curbs, Millidge and University Avenues. 30. Re legislative changes with regard to business tax (Councillor Elliot).