1982-06-07_Agenda AGE N 0 A COMMON COUNCIL - as at June 4th, 1982. 1. Meeting called to order, 4:00 p.m., June 7th - prayer. 2. Confirmation of minutes (May 26th and May 31st). 3. Mayor's remarks. CITY MANAGER 4. Payment of invoices. 5. Payment of invoice re Saint John Port Day in Montreal. 6. Report re tenders for Brown Street storm sewer, Charles Street, Germain Street, Riverview Drive sewer renewal. 7. Report re tenders for Demonts Street water and sewer renewal. 8. Letter re 1982 Canadian Parks and Recreation Conference, August 15th-19th, 1982. 9. Re approval of performance bond for evacuation permit of gravel pit. 10. Re 1956-58 Exchange Agreement, City of Saint John and National Harbours Board - streets requested by the National Harbours Board. CITY SOLICITOR 11. Re purchase of 191-197 Union Street by Parking Commission. COMMON CLERK 12. Third reading of Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone prop~rty at 124 Allingham Crescent as requested by Mr. Paul D. Ernst (1st and 2nd readings given May 31, 1982). 13. Third reading of Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone property on the southern side of Latimer Lake Road as requested by Francis and Carol Gray (1st and 2nd readings given May 31, 1982). 14. Re application of Baxter Dairies Limited for Municipal Plan Amendment and re-zoning of property located on the westerly side of Millidge Avenue. COMMITTEES IS. Land Committee re sale of fire lane between McKiel ana Prospect Streets to Moosehead Breweries Limited. 16. Land Committee re City's acceptance of a fee simple title to property at 172-174 Carmarthen Street. GENERAL 17. Letter from 18. Letter from 19. Letter from services in 20. Letter from 21. Application Councillor Wayne re obtaining information on Council agenda items. Councillor Denton re MacKnight Motors, Rothesay Avenue. Baptist Inner-City Ministries re permission to conduct open-air church Queen Square, South End. Barry, O'Neil & Company re Eastern Arterial Deferred Widening By-Law. of Ray Dor Limited for re-zoning of property at 379 Somerset Street.