1982-04-25_Agenda AGENDA COMMON COUNCIL - as at May 21, 1982. 1. Meeting called to order, 4:00 p.m., May 25 - prayer. 2. Confirmation of minutes (May 3 - tabled May 10). 3. Confirmation of minutes (May 10). 4. Mayor's remarks. CITY MANAGER 5. Payment of invoice. 6. Report re tenders Linton Road, Mo1lins Drive, Ketepec By-Road No.4, storm sewer construction. 7. Report re tenders Mi1lidgeville wastewater treatment plant, contract number 3, supply of equipment. 8. Re approval of performance bond for rehabilitation of Mabee Road gravel pit. 9. Report re letter from Saint John Medical Society concerning the new Regional Hospital. 10. Progress payment. 11. Payment of invoices. 12. Report re letter from Mr. A. T. Neill, 70 Hill Heights Road concerning snow control problems. 13. Report re tenders for liquid chlorine (see also item number 35). 14. Report re study of City's insurance coverage and system. IS. Report re Chown Field. 16. Report re garbage collection, night operation. 17. Report re Saint John Amateur Speedskating Club, 1984 Competltlon. 18. Re conveyance of land for potash terminal site to National Harbours Board. 19. Report re tenders for lawn mowers. 20. Adoption of resolutions re bond issue. COMMON CLERK 21. Ratification of Legal Session resolution. 22. Payment of warrant to Provincial-Municipal Council for 1982. COMMITTEES 23. Committee of the Whole Report (May 10). 24. Planning Advisory Committee re proposed institutional rezonings. 25. Planning Advisory Committee re proposed Zoning By-law amendment regarding seasonal food stands. 26. Planning Advisory Committee re amendment to Development Plan for Lancaster Mall. 27. Land Committee re 51 Carleton Street, First. Wesleyan Church. 28. (a) Letter from Rockwood Park Advisory Board re Rockwood Park cookhouse. (b) Letter from Saint John Horticultural Association re above matter. 29. Letter from Saint John Parking Commission re property acquisition. GENERAL 30. Letter from Councillor Wayne re Bradley Lake Road. 31. Letter from Saint John District Labour Council re fund-raising organizations. 32. Letter from Saint John Construction Association Inc. re flooding problem on Rothesay Avenue. 33. Letter from Somerset Park Homeowners Inc. re sidewalk along southern side of Somerset Street Extension. 34. Letter from Saint George's Society re commemoration of the signing of the Magna Carta. 35. Letter from Gulfstream Chemicals Inc. re tender for supply of chlorine. 36. Letter from Mr. Peter Whitebone re water drainage problems, Natalie, Adelaide and Visart Streets.