COMMON COUNCIL - as at 12th March, 1982.
. 1. -
Meeting called to order, 7.00 p.m., March 15 - prayer.
Confirmation of minutes (March 8).
Mayor's remarks.
7.00 p.m. - (a)
Proposed Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone a parcel of land located on
the south side of Young Street east of Havelock School, containing approxi
mately 8,200 square feet, to permit erection of a two-family dwelling,
as requested by Mr. Hilaire Losier.
(b) Letter from Planning Advisory Committee re proposed re-zoning.
7.30 p.m.
- Peter D. L. Chow, Mortgagor, James F. Doig and Barbara L. Biggs, as joint
tenants, First Mortgagees - to appear to show cause why the building located
at the northeastern corner of Carmarthen and Mecklenburg Streets should not
be removed or destroyed as a dangerous or dilapidated building.
6. 7.45 p.m. - Presentation by Mrs. Vera V. White, Chairman of the Committee of the Womens'
Auxiliary of the Carleton Community Club with respect to the playing of
electronic and pinball games by children.
7. Progress payment.
8. Re request for extension of sewers, Morna Heights Subdivision.
9. Re concrete paving.
10. Re request for post office facilities, west side.
11. Re Saint John Horticultural Association.
12. Report re tenders for motorized equipment.
13. Re approval of performance bond for rehabilitation of Ping Pond Pit.
14. Re asphalt contract.
15. Re tenders for demolition of 155 Queen Street.
16. Re coin operated amusement devices.
17. Committee of the Whole report (March 8).
18. (a) Planning Advisory Committee re application of The Rocca Group to amend conditions of
re-zoning of property, Ellerdale Street.
(b) Letters from Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Duncan; and Mr; and Mrs. Wm. Sommerville, Herbert
Sherwood, and Mr. and Mrs. Stan McGrath, objecting to said application.
19. Land Committee re acquisition of land on Douglas Avenue from the C.P.R.
20. Art Advisory Board re need for an arts centre for Saint John.
21. Saint John Transit Commission re illegal walk-out.
22. Re Federal Bill C-89 regarding housing measures (Mayor Lockhart).
23. Letter from Messrs. Teed, Teed & McPhee, solicitors, re electronic amusement machines
(tabled March 8).
24. Application of Hamilton Realty Limited for re-zoning of property, 174 Adelaide Street.
25. Letter from the Saint John Chapter of the Canadian Civil Liberties Association re con-
ducting of City business in closed session.
26. Letter from Mrs. Mary Fitzpatrick re parking restrictions, Earle Avenue.
27. Request of Mrs. George Green for renewal of permission for location of mobile home,
Kean Road.
28. Letter from Grove Paving Ltd. re supply of asphalt.