COMMON COUNCIL - as at 22nd January, 1982.
Meeting called to order, 4.00 p.m., January 25 - prayer.
Confirmation of minutes (January 18).
Mayor's remarks.
4. Payment of invoices.
5. Progress payment.
6. Report re bids for fire apparatus.
7. Re Somerset Street (North/South Arterial).
8. Re complaint regarding junk yard and truck compound, John Killam property (see also
Item #23).
9. Re enforcement of Zoning and Building By-Laws re property, 238 Charlotte St. West.
10. Re Flood Risk Area By-Law violation, Slattery Management & Realty (1978) Ltd.
11. Re removal of storage compound, 96 Stanley Street.
llA. Re closing of portion of Broad Street and Broadview Avenue.
lIB. Payment of invoice.
12. Re application of Canterbury Holdings Ltd. for Municipal Plan amendment and re-zoning
of property, Boar's Head Road (Public hearing held Jan. 18; no readings given)
13. Third reading of Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone property at the northerly corner of
the Dolan and French Village Roads, as requested by Crystal Industries Ltd. (1st & 2nd
readings given January 18).
14. Third reading of amendment to Street Closing By-Law with respect to the closing of a
portion of Sydney Street (1st & 2nd readings given January 18).
15. Letter from Commissioner of Municipal Affairs re audit of the financial affairs of the
Rodeo East project.
16. Letter from Raydor Limited re installation of sewer system, Churchill Boulevard.
17. Petition from residents of Crawford Road re snow plowing.
18. Letter from Atlantic Seven Limited requesting necessary change to permit the construction
of proposed gas bar, Bayside Drive.
19. Letter of appreciation regarding Saint John Christmas Invitational Hockey Tournament.
20. Letter from Centers Offering Independent Lifestyles Inc. re parallel transit system.
21. Letter from the Saint John Chapter of the Civil Liberties Association re rights of persons
detained by police.
22. Application of Christian Centre (Saint John) Inc. for re-zoning property located at the
junction of Highways #102 and #107.
23. (a) Letter from Mr. John F. Killam re use of property, 324 Beaconsfield Crescent.
(b) Petition from property owners of Beaconsfield Crescent re said property.