COMMON COUNCIL - as at 31st December, 1981.
1. Meeting called to order, 7.00 p.m., January 4, 1982 - prayer.
2. Confirmation of minutes (December 21).
3. Mayor's remarks.
7 . 00 p. m. - (a)
Proposed Municipal Plan By-Law amendment to reclassify property located
at 514 Earle Avenue, or all properties bound on the north by Lancaster
Avenue, on the east by Sand Cove Road, on the south by Pine Avenue, on
the west by the CPR tracks and the rear property lines of properties on
the north side of Edward Avenue, to Low Density Residential, to allow
for the establishment of a nursing home on the property at 514 Earle
Avenue, or the change to the larger area would bring the designation
into conformity with existing longstanding uses in the area.
Proposed Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone property located at 514 Earle
Avenue from "R-2" One- and Two:-Family Residential to "IL-l" Neighbourhood
Institutional classification, to allow for the establishment of a nursing
home, as requested by Mr. and Mrs. Randolph W. Case.
Letter from Planning Advisory Committee regarding said amendments.
Letter from Mr. W. S. Reid Chedore, solicitor for Mrs. Novella M.
Williamson, regarding said amendments.
7.00 p.m. - (a)
Proposed Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone forty-six church properties
and the Old Hillcrest School from their present zoning to "IL-l"
Neighbourhood Institutional classification, to place all existing
institutional uses in an Institutional zone.
(b) Letter from Planning Advisory Committee regarding said re-zonings.
6. 7.00 p.m. - Proposed vesting in the City of so-called "fire lane" or "service lane"
between McKiel and Prospect Streets, at the rear of lots fronting on
Collins Street.
7. Payment of invoices.
8. Report re tenders for concrete water products.
9. Re letter from N. B. School Trustees Association regarding school bus loading bays.
10. Re proposal of N. B. Sporting Car Club for street race.
11. Re 1982 insurance coverage.
12. (a) Re traffic in Central Business District (tabled Dec. 21).
(b) Letter from Parking Commission requesting that Union and Carleton Streetsbe one-way
streets (tabled Dec. 21).
13. Proposed Traffic By-Law amendment (1st & 2nd readings given December 21).
14. Re application of Atlantic Mercantile Ltd. for Municipal Plan amendment and re-zoning
of property, Ashburn Lake Road.
15. Re application of Eton Construction Ltd. for Municipal Plan amendment and re-zoning of
property, 78 Orange Street.
16. Committee of the Whole report (December 14).
17. Committee of the Whole reports (December 21).
18. Land Committee re sewer easement and damage claim of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jefferies, Loch
Lomond Road.
19. Land Committee re lease of space, Old City Hall Building, to Lakewood Holdings Ltd.
20. Re traffic conditions, Wellesley Avenue and Somerset Street (Councillor Wayne).
21. (a) Re investigation regarding Rodeo East (Councillor Elliot).
(b) Letter from Provincial Minister of Justice re request for inquiry.
22. Letter from Provincial Minister of Municipal Affairs regarding reading of by-laws in
their entirety in open session of Council.
23. Correspondence from the Federation of Canadian Municipalities re resolutions to be
considered at 1982 annual conference.
24. Request for assistance for Provincial Curling Bonspiel of N. B. Police Curling Association.
25. Letter from students of Labour Law course, U.N.B.S.J. re Canada Labour Code.
26. Letter from Saint John Chapter, U.N.B. Alumni, re course on "The Law of Human Rights,
Civil Liberties and Management".