COMMON COUNCIL - as at 11th December, 1981.
1. Meeting called to order, 4.00 p.m., December 14 - prayer.
2. Confirmation of minutes (December 7).
3. Mayor's remarks.
4. Payment of invoices.
5. Re West Side Works garage and Police station, Fairville Boulevard.
6. Re closure of portion of Sydney Street.
7. Re approval of performance bonds for rehabilitation of gravel pits.
8. Report re tenders for purchase of van.
9. Re 291-295 Simpson Drive (see also Item #25).
10. Proposed amendment to Flood Risk Area by-law.
11. Re policy regarding location of mobile homes.
12. (a) Re proposed Saint John City Centre Preservation Area By-Law.
(b) Letter from Preservation Review Board re said by-law.
(c) Letters from Mr. Bernard J. Cormier, Mrs. L. E. Rolph, residents of 197 Germain
Street and deStecher, Miller & Law Ltd.
(d) Third reading of Saint John City Centre Preservation Area By-Law (1st & 2nd readings
given December 7).
13. Re application of Canterbury Holdings Ltd. for Municipal Plan amendment and re-zoning
of property, Boars Head Road.
14. Ratification of Legal Session resolution.
15. Third reading of Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone property at 73 Duke Street, as
requested by Horizon Holdings Ltd. (1st & 2nd readings given December 7).
16. Third reading of Street Closing By-Law amendment to close portion of Atlantic Avenue
(1st & 2nd readings given December 7).
17. Third reading of Street Closing By-Law amendment to close reserved street on the eastern
side of Riverhill Drive (1st & 2nd readings given December 7).
18. Third reading of Street Closing By-Law amendment to close portion of St. Catherine Street
(1st & 2nd readings given December 7).
19. Planning Advisory Committee re application of Mr. Robert Sudsbear for permission to
place mobile home on property, Old Black River Road.
20. Land Committee re granting of Quit Claim Deed to owners of lot at 986 First Avenue.
21. Land Committee re lease to Minister of Transport for harbour range marker.
22. Land Committee re lease of space, 55 Canterbury Street, to Laubach Literacy of Canada.
23. Board of Trustees, Civic Employees' Pension Plan re application of Morris F. Elward
for retirement through disability.
24. Re long-service pay (Councillor Wayne).
25. (a) Letter from solicitor for Mr. Donald Lester re application for amendment to re-zonin
conditions of property, 291-295 Simpson Drive (Mr. Hamm will be present).
(b) Letters from Stephen and Lori Young, Joseph Gallant, and J. Allan Young, in supper
of said application.
26. Letter from residents of Bradley Lake Road re previous requests for road repairs.
27. Letter from The Saint John District Labour Council re proposal to reduce fire and/or
police protection.
28. Letter from Hazel Knowlton requesting that parking on Pleasant Street be restricted
to one side only.
COMMON COUNCIL - as at 11th December, 1981.
1. Meeting called to order, 4.00 p.m., December 14 - prayer.
2. Confirmation of minutes (December 7).
3. Mayor's remarks.
4. Payment of invoices.
5. Re West Side Works garage and Police station, Fairville Boulevard.
6. Re closure of portion of Sydney Street.
7. Re approval of performance bonds for rehabilitation of gravel pits.
8. Report re tenders for purchase of van.
9. Re 291-295 Simpson Drive (see also Item #25).
10. Proposed amendment to Flood Risk Area by-law.
11. Re policy regarding location of mobile homes.
12. (a) Re proposed Saint John City Centre Preservation Area By-Law.
(b) Letter from Preservation Review Board re said by-law.
(c) Letters from Mr. Bernard J. Cormier, Mrs. L. E. Rolph, residents of 197 Germain
Street and deStecher, Miller & Law Ltd.
(d) Third reading of Saint John City Centre Preservation Area By-Law (1st & 2nd readings
given December 7).
13. Re application of Canterbury Holdings Ltd. for Municipal Plan amendment and re-zoning
of property, Boars Head Road.
14. Ratification of Legal Session resolution.
15. Third reading of Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone property at 73 Duke Street, as
requested by Horizon Holdings Ltd. (1st & 2nd readings given December 7).
16. Third reading of Street Closing By-Law amendment to close portion of Atlantic Avenue
(1st & 2nd readings given December 7).
17. Third reading of Street Closing By-Law amendment to close reserved street on the eastern
side of Riverhill Drive (1st & 2nd readings given December 7).
18. Third reading of Street Closing By-Law amendment to close portion of St. Catherine Street
(1st & 2nd readings given December 7).
19. Planning Advisory Committee re application of Mr. Robert Sudsbear for permission to
place mobile home on property, Old Black River Road.
20. Land Committee re granting of Quit Claim Deed to owners of lot at 986 First Avenue.
21. Land Committee re lease to Minister of Transport for harbour range marker.
22. Land Committee re lease of space, 55 Canterbury Street, to Laubach Literacy of Canada.
23. Board of Trustees, Civic Employees' Pension Plan re application of Morris F. Elward
for retirement through disability.
24. Re long-service pay (Councillor Wayne).
25. (a) Letter from solicitor for Mr. Donald Lester re application for amendment to re-zonin
conditions of property, 291-295 Simpson Drive (Mr. Hamm will be present).
(b) Letters from Stephen and Lori Young, Joseph Gallant, and J. Allan Young, in supper
of said application.
26. Letter from residents of Bradley Lake Road re previous requests for road repairs.
27. Letter from The Saint John District Labour Council re proposal to reduce fire and/or
police protection.
28. Letter from Hazel Knowlton requesting that parking on Pleasant Street be restricted
to one side only.