COMMON COUNCIL - as at 30th October, 1981.
1. Meeting called to order, 4.00 p.m., November 2 - prayer.
2. Confirmation of minutes (October 26).
3. Mayor's remarks.
4. Payment of invoice.
5. Report re tenders for Broad Street playground, Phase II.
6. Re Heritage Preservation Area By-Law.
7. Re proposed amendment to Zoning By-Law re group homes (see also Item #14).
8. Re parking at St. Ma1achy's High School.
9. Re Bradley Lake Road.
10. Re letter from Mrs. Denis, 1138 Rothesay Road re flooding.
11. Re tenders for demolition of property, 104-106 Metcalf Street.
12. Re Rodeo East.
13. Re sale of Christmas trees on lots not owned by the City.
14. Second and third reading of Zoning By-Law amendment re group homes (1st reading given
Oct. 26).
15. Third reading of Zoning By-Law amendment to add "take-out restaurant" to Permitted Uses
in "B-R" Business Residential zones (lst & 2nd readings given Oct. 26).
16. Land Committee re permission for overhang of power and telephone cables, Island View
Heights Subdivision.
17. Land Committee re sale of properties, King Street East, to Province.
18. Questions re Rodeo East (Councillor Wayne).
19. Letter from H. R. Doane and Company re audit of Rodeo East activities and events.
20. Letter from Mr. Dennis Boyle re Rodeo East.
21. Letters from F. W. Woolworth Co., Limited, Zellers (N.B.) Ltd., and Henry Birks & Sons
Limited re shipping and receiving on Market Street South.
22. Letter from "Save Your Train Committee" re possibility of legal action.
23. Request for exchange of lands for public purposes, Woodlawn Park area.
24. Notice from Liquor Licensing Board re application of Foodex Inc. for dining room
license re premises, 370 Rothesay Avenue.