1981-10-13_Agenda , 1 ;" "'G E N ~ COMMON COUNCIL - as at 9th October', 1981. 2. 3. /vI ting called to order, 7.00 p.m., Tuesday, October 13 - prayer. . ee . (b 5' Confirmation of mlnutes Octo er J. Mayor'S remarks. 1. 4. 7.00 p.m. - (a) Proposed Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone property on the northwesterly side of Range Road, to allow the placement or a mobile home, as re- quested by Philip and Nancy Wood. (b) Letter from Planning Advisory Cowmittee regarding proposed re-zoning. 5. 7.00 p.m. - (a) Proposed Zoning By-Law amendment to amend Part XV-A, "B-2" Business Residential zones regulations by adding "a take-out restaurant" to the list of Permitted Uses, to allow a take-out restaurant to operate on the ground floor and apartments on the upper floor of the building at 283-285 Main Street, as requested by U-Drive Rentals Ltd. . (b) Letter from Planning Advisory Committee regarding proposed amendment. (c) Letter of objection from Mr. Ralph H. McKinney. 6. 7.00 p.m. - Proposed closing of two portions of Ford Avenue. 7.30 p.m. - Mabel L. Lowney, Owner of Renewable Term for Ycar~, Leasehold - to appear to show cause why the building located at 104-106 Metcalf Street should not be removed or destroyed as a dangerous or dilapidated building. 7. CITY MANAGER I. Payment of invoices. ~. Progress payments. 10. Report re tenders for Ian Street storm sewer construction. 11. Report re tenders for 1981 chain link fencing. 12. Re surplus rock, North/South Arterial. 13. Re MacKnight Motors Limited. 14. Re tenders for demolition of 63 Paradise Row. CITY SOLICITOR 15. Re Jos. A. Likely Limited property, Manawagonish Road (Carvell Pit). COMMITTEES 16. Committee of the Whole report (October 5). 17. Land Committee re renewal of lease of premises, Morris Street, to Dept. of Supply and Services. GENERAL 18. Re Chipman Hill pedestrian walkway (Councillor Elliot). 19. Re Rodeo East (Councillor Elliot). 20. Re salt storage areas (Councillor Elliot). 21. Letter from Greenshie1ds Incorporated re submission for fiscal agent. 22. Letter from Human Development Council re feasibility of community centre, Millidgeville area. 23. Letter from Saint John Annual Santa Claus Parade COlllIDittee re 1981 parade. 24. Application of Margaret E. McDevitt for re-zoning of property, 571 Millidge Avenue. 25. Letter from MacKnight Motors Ltd. re salvage yard operation. 26. Proposal of New Brunswick Sporting Car Club, Inc. for street race. 27. Letter from The Rocca Group Limited re location of tugboat in decorative pool. 28. Letter from Mr. Louis E. Murphy, M.L.A., re Church Avenue Overpass. 29. Letter from Civil Liberties Association, Saint John Chapter, re bicycle identification program. 30. Letter from Mr. Tony Elford re lack of water pressure, signage, etc. at Morland Trailer Park.