COMMON COUNCIL - as at 25th September, 1981.
1. Meeting called to order, 7.00 p.m., September 28 - prayer.
2. Confirmation of minutes (September 21).
3. Mayor's remarks.
4. 7.30 p.m. - Mr. Wendell Pickering of Century Taxi re Taxi By-Law and fare structures.
5. 7.45 p.m. - Mr. Douglas A. M. Evans, solicitor for Metro Construction (1978) Ltd.
re contract for supply of asphaltic mixes to the City.
6. Payment of invoices.
7. Progress payment.
8. Re purchase of Police staff car.
9. Report re tenders for St. Catherine St., Champlain Dr., Walter St., Grandview Ave. and
Red Head Road watermain, sanitary sewer and storm sewer construction.
10. Re renewal of contract for fleet maintenance program.
11. Re rate adjustments for Rockwood Park programs and re canteen concession renewal.
12. Re loose bark on City streets.
13. Re parking problems, Rockwood Court.
14. Re asphalt contract.
15. Re asphalt contract.
16. Re agreement regarding demolition of buildings.
17. Committee of the Whole report of Aug. 31 (section 2 tabled).
18. Committee of the Whole report (September 21).
19. Land Committee re sale of land, Loch Lomond Road, to Glen's Take-Out Ltd.
20. Historic Sites and Events Committee re granite curbstones.
21. Re newspaper editorial (Councillor A. Vincent).
22. Re Com. of Whole recommendation re asphalt contract (Councillor Wayne).
23. Request of residents for improvements to Sproul Road.
24. Letter from R.E. & J.E. Friars Limited re hauling and storage of salt.
25. Letter from Mr. Donald Lester re conditions of re-zoning re property, Simpson Drive.