COMMON COUNCIL - as at 24th April, 1981.
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I. Meeting called to order, 7.00 p.m., April 27 - prayer.
2. Confirmation of minutes (April 21).
3. Mayor's remarks.
4. 7.00 p.m. - (a) Proposed Municipal Plan By-Law amendment to reclassify property located
west and south of lots having civic numbers 679 to 745 Greenhead Road,
to provide for the continued operation of the site as a contractor's
yard and to permit erection of a 2400 square foot building to be used
for storing and servicing construction equipment, as requested by
Angus Melanson Ltd.
(b) Proposed Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone said property from "R-2"
One- and Two-Family Residential to "I-l" Light Industrial district.
(c) Letter from Planning Advisory Committee regarding said amendments.
5. 7.15 p.m. - Presentation of brief by the Saint John Building and Construction Trades
Council respecting contracting out of construction work.
6. 8.00 p.m. - Mr. LeRoy C. Palmer re services to lot on Palmer Street, Lakewood Heights.
7. Re letter from Mrs. Mary R. LeBlanc regarding use of McKiel Street by transport vehicles.
8. Progress payment.
9. Report re tenders for traffic paint.
10. Report re tenders for gasoline and oils.
11. Report re tenders for towing service.
12. Report re tenders for storage of vehicles.
13. Re contract amendment regarding Saint John Youth Project.
14. Re proposal for taxi fare increases.
15. Re tenders for demolition of 2-4 Wellington Rowand 4255 Loch Lomond Road.
16. Third reading of Dog By-Law (1st & 2nd readings given April 13).
17. Committee of the Whole report (April 21).
18. Letter from Winterport Lodge 797, B.R.A.C., re Emergency Measures regulations.
19. Letter from Investors Ltd. re property, Union Street and Wellington Row.
20. Letter from Mr. W. John Baird re storage of vehicles on property at Lorneville.