COMMON COUNCIL - as at 8th May, 1981.
I. Meeting called to order, 7.00 p.m., May 11 - prayer.
2. Confirmation of minutes (May 4).
3. Mayor's remarks.
4. Re Dog By-Law. (see also item #15)
5. Re tenders for gasoline and oils.
6. Re use of property of Mr. W. John Baird at Lorneville.
7. Re licensing of fairgrounds.
8. Re local improvements and special frontage assessments.
9. Payment of invoice.
10. Re request of Mr. LeRoy C. Palmer for services, Palmer Street.
11. Re traffic island, Champlain Drive.
12. Re transfer of lease in City Market to Stilwell Foods Limited.
13. Re tenders for demolition of 14 Castle Street, 223 Rockland Road, and garage on
Cranston Avenue.
13A. Re requests of Brookville and Torryburn Association.
14. Re proposed amendments to Taxi By-Law.
15. Third reading of Dog By-Law (1st & 2nd readings given April 13; 3rd reading tabled Apr. 27).
16. Committee of the Whole report (April 13).
17. Committee of the Whole report (May 4).
18. Land Committee re sale of property, 40 Broad Street, to Regal Wholesalers Ltd.
19. Re boundaries of City (Councillor Wayne).
20. Re policy regarding land for public purposes (Councillor Landers).
21. Letter from Linmar Developers Ltd. requesting amendment of conditions of re-zoning
regarding property, Grandview Avenue.
22. Letter from Robert A. Creamer and Constance J. Creamer re Rockwood Park Golf Course
food and liquor concession.
23. Request for donation re proposed River Walk during Canada Week.
24. Letter from Service Coin Ltd. re landscaping and signage of property, St. Catherine St.
25. Letter from Royal Canadian Legion, Branch #14 re project to commemorate City's bicen-