.;\ ~ END A
1. Meeting called to order, 7.00 p.m., March 30 - prayer.
2. Confirmation of minutes (March 23).
3. Mayor's remarks.
COMMON COUNCIL - as at 27th March, 1981.
7.00 p.m. - (a)
Proposed Municipal Plan By-Law amendment to change Schedule 2-A to
reclassify approximately 175 acres of land located east of the
existing development known as Woodlawn Park Subdivision at Red Head
to permit future subdivision and housing development, as requested
by David M. Lunney & Associates Ltd.
Proposed Municipal Plan By-Law amendment to change Schedule 9-A to
include the said property in Stage I.
(c) Proposed Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone said property from "RF"
Rural to "RS-2" One- and Two-Family Suburban Residential zone.
(d) Letter from Planning Advisory Committee re proposed amendments.
5. 7.00 p.m. - Proposed closing of portion of King Street.
6. 7.00 p.m. - Proposed closing of portion of Hazen Street.
7. 7.30 p.m. - Allan J. Bernier & Cindy Bernier, his wife, Mortgagor; Central Trust Company
of Canada, First Mortgagee; Central Trust Company of Canada, Second Mortgagee;
Central & Eastern Trust Company, Third Mortgagee; and Donald H. Farrell and
Frederick A. Farrell, Fourth Mortgagee - to appear to show cause why the
building located at 4255 Loch Lomond Road should not be removed or destroyed
as a dangerous or dilapidated building.
8. 7.40 p.m. - Investors Limited, Mortgagor; Eric L. Teed, Q.C., George F. Teed and
Muriel V. Teed, Executor of the Estate of J.F.H. Teed, Q.C., First Mortgagee;
Royal Bank of Canada, Second Mortgagee; Gregg William Neal, Lis Pendens,
Registered pursuant to Mechanics' Lien Act; Hartt Group Limited, Lis Pendens,
Registered Pursuant to Mechanics' Lien Act - to appear to show cause why the
~ building located at 2-4 Wellington Row should not be removed or destroyed as
a dangerous or dilapidated building.
9. Progress payments.
10. Report re quotations for printing of tourist literature.
11. Re amendments to 1980-81 Stimulation Grant Agreement.
12. Re request of Cambridge Leaseholds Ltd. for erection of sign, Lancaster Mall.
13. Re response to C.U.P.E. Local 18 wage proposal.
14. Third reading of amendment to Traffic By-Law (1st & 2nd readings given March 23).
15. Committee of the Whole report (March 30).
16. Planning Advisory Committee re Zoning By-Law review.
17. (a) Planning Advisory Committee re application of Sterling Investments Ltd. for re-zoning
and Municipal Plan amendment re property, 110 Metcalf Street (public hearing held
March 16; no readings given).
(b) Petition from area residents opposing re-zoning of 110 Metcalf Street.
18. Land Committee re sale of freehold interest, 389 1/2 Lancaster St. to Mr. D. Middleton.
19. Annual report of Saint John Transit Commission for 1980.
20. (a) Submission by committee re Rodeo East.
(b) Letter from Councillor Denton re Rodeo East.
21. Letter from Mr. Mike Landers, M.P. re Community Services Contribution Program.
22. Letter from Joan A. LeGassie opposing rodeo.
23. Submission by Saint John District Labour Council re Emergency Measures By-Law.
24. Letter from Brookville & Torryburn Assoc. re pits and quarries study committee.
25. Letter from Human Development Council re Saint John Youth Project.
26. Letter from Saint John Construction Association Inc. requesting appearance on April 6
re contracting out.