COMMON COUNCIL - as at 30th January, 1981.
Meeting called to order, 7.00 p.m., February 2 - prayer.
Confirmation of minutes (January 26).
Mayor's remarks.
4. 7.00 p.m. - (a) Proposed Zoning By-Law amendment to amend Section 139A by reducing or
eliminating the distance requirements separating taverns and cabarets
from schools, churches and residentroal zones, to allow the Firefighters
Club to locate in Westmorland Plaza.
(b) Letter and petition from Glen Falls Pastoral Charge opposing said amendment,
(c) Letter from Mr. Barry Roderick, solicitor for E. & P. Holdings Limited,
5. 7.30 p.m. - Presentations by Saint John Figure Skating Club, Saint John Lacrosse Assoc-
iation, and Loyalist City Hockey School, re proposed sumlner hockey camp at
Stu Hurley Arena.
6. Re request of Saint John Arts Council for sponsoring of Calendar of Events.
7. Re request of The Globe and Mail for permission to install newspaper boxes in Saint John.
8. Re parking on Sewell Street.
9. Re policy regarding location of rural mail boxes.
10. Re purchase of repair parts for Hazen Creek Treatment Plant.
II. Summary and recommendations of 1980 Forest Inventory.
12. Progress payments.
13. Re application for 1981 Stimulation Grants.
14. Payment of invoice.
15. Payment of invoice for job evaluation.
16. Re towing charges.
17. Re requirements under Community Planning Act re Planning Advisory Committee membership.
18. Ratification of resolutions re sale of Jarvis building, Prince William Street, to
Caton Developments Ltd.
19. Third reading of amendment to Flood Risk Area By-Law (lst & 2nd readings given Jan. 26).
19A. Re 1981 grants.
20. Committee of the Whole report (January 26).
21. Land Committee re sale of freehold interest, 159 Queen St. West, to Mrs. F. Evelyn
22. Land Committee re sale of freehold interest, 374 Watson Street, to Mrs. Selena Walsh.
23. Land Committee re amending agreement re exchange of property, 308 Greenhead Road, with
Mr. and Mrs. Hernani Nunes.
24. Land Committee re purchase of property, 43 Canon Street, from John and Henry Arseneault.
25. Letter from Civic Employees Local Union No. 18, C.U.P.E., requesting permission to present
a position paper to Council.
26. Letter from South-Central Community Services Council re snow removal operations in uptown
and south portions of the City.
27. Letter from South-Central Community Services Council commending efforts to promote R.R.A.P.
program in the South End.
28. Letter from the Saint John Kings Unit of the Canadian Cancer Society re Federal Tobacco
Restraint Act.
28A. Application of Sterling Investments Ltd. for re-zoning of property, 110 Metcalf Street.