1980-12-08_Agenda .. AGE N D A COMMON COUNCIL - as at 5th December, 1980. ~ ~ 1. Meeting called to order, 4.00 p.m., December 8 - prayer. 2. Confirmation of minutes (December 1). 3. Mayor's remarks. CITY MANAGER 4. 1979 Annual Report~f City Manager. 5. Re grade separations, Rothesay and Thorne Avenues. 6. Re complaint of Mr. Gilbert Kenny re dumping of asphalt, Ocean Westway. 7. Re identification of bicycles. 8. Re tenders for Champlain Heights School Storm Sewer. 9. Progress payments. 10. Payment of invoices. 11. Re parking regulations, Wentworth Street. 12. Re petition requesting chipsealing of Ragged Point Road. 13. Re tenders for demolition of 70 Canon Street. CITY SOLICITOR 14. Agreement with Mr. E. J. Ferguson for the collection of garbage. COMMITTEES 15. Planning Advisory Committee re subdivision application, Andrew Keating, South Bay. 16. Planning Advisory Committee re subdivision application, Ruby Wills, Lorneville Road. 17. Land Committee re purchase of property, 3-5 Cranston Avenue from A. Leonard Turner Estate. 18. Land Committee re sale of portions of former Walnut, Beech and Hill Streets to Moosehead Breweries Ltd. 19. Land Committee re purchase of property, 314 Greenhead Road, from Mr. George E. Totten. 20. Land Committee re sale of property, Fairville Boulevard, to Quigg Mo~ors. GENERAL 21. Re nomination of Lieut. Col. J. F. Elliot to N. B. Sports Hall of Fame (Mayor). 22. Re conflict of interest (Councillor Elliot). 23. Re feasibility of combining Sportsplex and Summer Games pool facilities (Coun. Landers). 24. Letter from Clark, Drummie & Company re re-zoning application, Canadian Tire Corporation Limited, 885 Fairville Boulevard. 25. Letter from Civic Employees Local Union No. 18 re contracting out of municipal services. 26. Request for permission to erect garden centre building by Olsen's General Store. 27. Request of Support Group of Interprovincial Home for Women for financial support. 28. Request of Band Parents Association, School District 20, for financial assistance. 29. Notice from Liquor Licensing Board re application for~restaurant license for premises, 186 Union Street.